
You guys are so easily played. He clearly accomplished his goal of tying in Clinton to the Russian witch hunt because of her unsecure emails on the server that maybe one of them says something about Benghazi, and where is the plane? Pretty suspicious. Makes you think.

I am also an old. I have been in the workforce almost 30 years. Me, too, girl. *hugs*

I’m an old, and a friend and I were just talking last week about all the creepy shit that happened to us when we were young and working shitty, entry level jobs. We didn’t really understand what sexual harasment was, and and were gaslighted (gaslit?) and shamed into keeping quiet. I just wish I had been able to talk

I will never watch a certain popular action movie starring Keanu Reeves because of this.

1. I’m not watching this movie until I know for a fact that the dog does not die.

Aaaand Stephen Miller is the pilot that crashes the plane on purpose, after jumping with the lone parachute; and watches from afar, while releasing predators upon them every few hours.

Yeah, on the one hand I want to give my daughter freedom and independence and on the other hand I remember all the shit I pulled when I was 16 and told my mom I was “at the movies” or “bowling”. I have a few years to figure this out.

Tee Hee:

I admit- I have a fondness for the critters. There’s a family of them that uses my back alley as a commuter route to a garbage and compost transfer station a few blocks away. While I know their nature is both murderous and unpredictable, it’s really hard to remember that when they’re all hanging out, chatting amongst

Parents do some crazy shit for their spawn. When I was in high school, we were outside around the backyard pool. I was dozing in the sun, and woke up to my mom yelling and realized my sister (10 years younger than me) was basically drowning: face in the water, four feet from the edge, arms feebly paddling. I was

I liked the “don’t make me pull this car over right now” tweet that followed:

Hammer home that the bill lets congress and staff keep the ACA protections. If the bill is so great, why aren’t they going to use it?

Acting like they’d won the superbowl when it hasn’t even passed in the Senate yet, to say nothing of the moral shittiness of the bill itself.

I posted this is in the initial AHCA post, but there were 600+ comments so I’m sure it got lost. I just wanted to share my experience today in DC because it was so utterly sickening:

They really could have edited the photos down to half what was chosen. First I would have cut is this “sad sand baby”.

Younger people may not realize, this was a HUGE deal at the time. Like, the world stopped and watched this happen.

“How can anyone be that dumb and that rich.”

I’d like to dedicate “But this shit is hard” to all those assholes who bemoaned the death of Obama’s legacy the day after Trump’s inauguration. No motherfuckers. Obama’s legacy is that we never knew how hard this shit was because he made it look goddamn easy. I feel he is being recognized more and more nowadays

Part of me is concerned that he thinks he has “free time after work” not realizing it’s actually a 24/7 job. On the other hand in theory that’s 23 hours 59 minutes when he isn’t screwing things up.

“He likes to describe Trump’s presidency as being in “beta mode,”