I’m sorry to hear your dad died so young. I hope everything turned out okay for your family.
How I imagine things would go...
Almost like these neanderthals don’t understand that they were elected to represent every citizen in their constituency, not just the ones that voted for them.
Locked ourselves out of the car doing a Chinese fire drill. We were 16 and a special kind of stupid. I know this because the cop that had to protect our running car that was in the middle lane of a 3 lane road until the locksmith got there told us so.
In previous years, when Dems were up for reelection, they would have to show that they’re willing to work with the Repukes in order to win. However, Gropenfuhrer is going to be so fucking toxic, so goddamn unpopular that the ones who will get primaried are the Dems that gave an olive branch to the GOP. Just my…
You know things are bad when wasting tens of billions of dollars just to piss off Mexico seems like one of the less awful things to come out of the White House.
It’s going to cost a lot of money and we aren’t getting it funded by Mexico. So in that sense, after we slash taxes on corporations and rich and transfer our 2nd largest source of federal funds (National Lands) to the state level, we will have no way to effectively pay for it.
He’s always going to be under that cloud, but he can’t accept that.
oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.
Another thing... Melania doesn’t seem to have anyone who cares for her or protects her by helping her out in this transition. In fact, the person who seems to have stepped up is Michelle Obama.
The argument I’ve seen is “that’s because unlike Obama supporters, Trump supporters HAVE JOBS.”
Thank you so much for sharing this. I read every word, and it was beautiful and utterly heartbreaking.
I’m guessing it’s a horrible trifecta/perfect storm of undealt with emotional and psychological issues, decades of stimulant abuse and dementia.
Trump shares so many personality traits and just...essence of something with my father. My father has bipolar disorder and narcisstic personality disorder. The impulsiveness, the insecurity covered by weird petty diversions, never sleeping, the delusions of grandeur, the weird half-finished sentences, they are so…
He is a fullblown lunatic. On twitter, Ashley Feinberg is doing a fantastic job of describing the space between the first tweet about Brennan’s statement and the second tweet. Something like 13 minutes...to complete one thought. This would mean on average he spends like an hour and change crafting 5 tweets.
You have to agree there’s some extra irony in Trump spending the next four years (or less) trying to convince people he’s the legitimate president after he spent nearly eight trying to convince everyone Obama was a Kenyan Muslim sleeper agent.