
no way was he thinking strategically. his cowardice instincts just kicked in and he abandoned his sister to be tortured and murdered. it really boggles my mind as to why he would even want to go on living after that. like, why even bother clinging to that driftwood. just let go and drown. you're useless, Theon!

Right but they like the gross out stuff. Last week's montage, for instance, was gross but also served as the comedy. Not particularly funny but in the context of the show it serves as comic relief

It was because for better or worse all of sams scenes are where GoT inserts its humor. If it wasn't for that final cut though, it wouldn't have been too obvious.

I was watching that really closely. He came about as close to touching his face as he could without actually touching it.

Cersei has a giant crossbow. Joffrey would be So jealous

just have to shake my head in disbelief and contemplate my life choices. working hard is a sucker's game, apparently.

how does one make enough money from youtube to buy a freakin' house in Hollywood? I worked hard for years to save up money for a down payment (for a modest house in the Midwest) but all I had to do was put a prank video on the internet?

Deserves got nothing to do with it.

Can't help but feel like Nardole got a raw deal. BILL gets cured and flies away with her oil slick girlfriend, the doctor is gonna be fine. Nardole, however gets to stay behind fight Cybermen until they overwhelm and kill everyone.

the loose and sometimes contradictory time logic has never bothered me much. Doctor Who is more of a fantasy series than hard sci-fi."Timey Whimey" is the shows way of acknowledging that it's ok if it doesn't make sense because time travel is confusing and complicated and the rules only matter if serves the story.

yes it is. no single player mode, just online player v player/ co-op

I feel the opposite. If only she were a "revelation". The problem is that I don't really know who Aunt Lydia is precisely because they haven't really revealed much about her. Sometimes, she seems to genuinely care about those girls, and sometimes she just seems like an over the top cruel Nurse Ratched type.

I was never really sure what June was supposed to do with them, other than read them. It seemed like maybe she was to somehow smuggle them out to Canada or something, but she never got instructions on how or what to do. So then I thought, maybe the point was just to read them so the letter writers wouldn't be

Gilead is such a suffocating oppressive place that hearing tom petty (or nina simone or any of the music they've used) is so jarring it feels like a dangerous act of revolution, even as a viewer.

they were literally telling him what to say. how the jury could look at that interrogation tape and find that confession credible is way beyond me.

the blood evidence is especially dubious seeing as the police had means, motive and opportunity to plant it. They had a vial of Avery's blood in an evidence locker somewhere and when his lawyers went to check it out, the seal had been broken.

I think that's where most people are. I don't know if Avery murdered her or not, but I do know that the prosecution did not prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. Kratz, the prosecutor, is a level one scumbag himself (seriously, google him, you'll need to take a shower afterward). That the prosecution wasn't even

I think Jimmy is more credible than Chuck is simply because Chuck is predisposed to always think the worst about Jimmy. So if Chuck saw him taking a quarter from the till, he'd assume it was a regular occurrence and, maybe like you said, Chuck didn't know or didn't want to know about their Dad giving away the store so

Exactly. they had a verbal contract that they then tried to weasel out of. The agreement was one free commercial, and if it brought in more business (which it did) they'd buy the rest.

I thought he broke the AC so that Hector would get hot and go outside and that would make the switch easier. then, he just nails the switch (after failing time and time again while practicing) so that whole bit with the AC seemed unnecessary, as Hector usually takes his jacket off anyway