
I’m on my third marriage and I’m convinced part of the reason it works so well is because we have separate bathrooms.

I have never heard of this person until today. I preferred it that way. 

The fact that Jeffrey Epstein was super into evolutionary psychology should tell you everything you need to know. 

I’m in reruns on this, but people need to stop asking famous (or otherwise) people about their friends who have been accused of sex crimes.

hip-hop hotep hieroglyphics

Chuck D going Oswald Bates on us

like the Boondocks said over 15 years ago “every black man who is arrested is not Nelson Mandela!” there’s a time and a place to comment about criminal justice reform.  This is not that moment, this is a moment to acknowledge that sometimes the system does get it right and sometimes harsh punishment is warranted for

I think what this demonstrates is that some black men have a kind of narcissism that only allows them to see themselves as victims. Black women’s abuse and suffering seemingly does not even register for them. A man in a position of power abuses black women and girls for decades and these men cannot even bring

“The deck was stacked against Robert.”

my apologies if the wings of perception loomed beyond than the words on this slaveApp.

I think they wanted to petition so that Kenneth would not have to be on the sex offender registry, and needed his accuser to recant to help with that. Likely to get the heat off of Minaj for marrying a convicted sex offender. So she’d be able to say “See she recanted!” and save herself from all the bad PR. Hence

I only saw part of the interview but Jennifer Hough’s pain, trauma and ptsd were so obvious that I have tears in my eyes and a tight throat as I type. Sis talked of deliberately dressing to prevent a repeat occurrence. Just devastating. Women are punished for not being considered attractive and women are also punished

Hi Jezebel!  It’s me again, former sexual assault and domestic violence prosecutor, asking you to stop using the heinous term “accuser.”  No excuse at all here, wherein formal charges were brought (wouldn’t happen if there wasn’t very solid evidence), and a conviction through a plea deal.  Stop being afraid of being

People who are trying to move on from a mistake don’t threaten the people they previously wronged or have their wife put out false information about their victim. The thing about “cancel culture” that we haven’t reached yet is that someone can serve their time legally speaking or even go away for a while, but the

If someone is running with wolves, it is very likely that they themselves are a wolf.

username/comment synergy checks out

And supporting a brother who is a child rapist.

Between her cousin’s friend, and whatever her husband told her, I’m beginning to think Nicki might bite if you tried to sell her a bridge.

Let’s not forget that Nicki also implied on her radio show that Jennifer was white in order to invoke some really f*cked up Black man being wrongfully accused narrative. That’s after she also tried the “They were in a relationship” lie. The whole thing was so boldly disgusting but her fans will believe literally