John Goodman
John Goodman
Fun facts: Pole dancing started in America in traveling “Hoochie Coochie” belly dancing sideshows. Most of the dancers were originally from Egypt. It was popularized by Elvis Presley in the movie ‘Jailhouse Rock’. Is there anything that man didn’t appropriate?
Those things don’t bother me. Here’s the reason I don’t go to public pools.
What happens to whiteness deferred?
Their language and gestures in front of kids? Not a problem.
People kissing? The horror... the horror...
Where are my pearls? I need to clutch something
I paid over $1K for a custom corset last year. I had it made by a corsetiere. It’s not a fetish garment. It relieved back pain I’ve suffered since the age of 17 (I was 41 when I bought it). It’s cut to be worn as outerwear and it’s suitable for professional dress.
I guess this is better than giving ten dollar BJs behind the bus station.
and also poor writership — its hard to put words together gooder when your brain is the bigliest
“... After just under a month online, the Washington Post is reporting that Trump’s blog is no more due to poor readership...”
Also fuck Billie Jean King for her comments on this matter. Congratulations tennis you just chased away the biggest draw in your sport. Oh Fuck Piers Morgan in his crusty asshole with a rusty chainsaw
I applaud her for standing up for herself and not just acquiescing if she didn’t feel it was right for her. I do propose an alternative solution for her that would allow her to play while also not worrying about the mental health aspects of the press conference.
Look people, don’t pretend that you cared about the holy sanctity of sport press-conferences before today.
Seriously. If you do this, you should be banned from flying on any plane, ever. Want to fly to Europe? Tough shit Karen/Chad, you have to get one a boat like it’s 1948.
There needs to be zero tolerance for this kinda shit. Go straight to jail. No bond. A prison sentence and enough of a fine that it ruins their lives forever. And do the same to all the assholes that harrass and assault retail employees.
The guy that intervened was having exactly none of Karen’s bullshit and good for him.
I fully support throwing the book at these fuckers, flying is unpleasant enough without these stupid assholes lashing out at the people who’s job it is to keep you safe and comfortable while you’re stuffed in a metal tube with a bunch…
Sure did but if you think that those people can see that throught the haze of white tears and fear of the truth in the year of grand Cicada Jenkins you'd be wrong.
The fact that you don’t see the problem shows your privilege.
It depends on the drug and where you live. Weed is entirely fine with many employers & in many areas, as long as you’re never high while you’re on the clock. A lot of places won’t care if you casually reference popping a Xanax after a hard day (probably bc they assume you have a prescription, but that’s their…