
100% it’s about his raping and his wife beating. He and his people have done a pretty good job of stuffing his past down the cultural memory hole and he doesn’t want that back front and center.

I mean from my understanding Tyson doesn't want to talk about his rape trial and conviction, which is a huge part of his cultural legacy. So why would anyone who wants to tell his life story want to be associated or accused of giving him oversight.

My guess is they had a surrogate.

Every predator becomes the victim.

Whenever I see women with that almost slavish devotion to a man (calling & treating him with obsequious praise, prefacing everything they say themselves with, “King says...” and desperately seeking his opinion and approval on even the smallest decisions) that lasts, improbably for decades, it’s later discovered that

This is what I totally expect from Hymen Checker. I just wonder if it’s going to end up being like Cosby where the numbers just continue to climb upward.

The bigger tragedy is that Gaga’s dog walker had little to no health insurance.

This. I voted for Barack Obama twice. If he or Michelle told me to go torch a pregnancy crisis center, I still wouldn’t do it. I’m smart enough to know Barack doesn’t give a shit about me if I get arrested committing crimes in his name. 

Even if it were true, “disillusioned with Trump” doesn’t mean shit. If you were so balls-out dumbfuck stupid/racist/evil as to be suckered into sedition by Trump in the first place, guess what? You’re going to be easy game for the next senile cult leader who comes along. Maybe prison is the safest place.

Movement to repeal the ban on felons owning firearms coming in 5...4...3...

A bunch of white people who think you can get away with felonies by saying sorry are confused as to what constitutes white privilege.

Whelp, they can be just as sorry in jail. Fine by me. Then let’s see them navigate the life of an ex-felon what with losing their right to vote, struggling to find a job, or a place to live.

Remember when the English were oppressing Scotland, and William Wallace took a quick boat ride to France? It’s okay, though, his daughters had asked him to, and he totally intended to come back the next day so he could hand out mead and bubonic plague to the masses.

I think the issue is that tabloid culture will always be present and that’s something they will never escape. By them doing these interviews, they are being selective of who they talk to and what they talk about, thereby taking control of their own narrative. It’s a simultaneous ofense-defense strategy.

My 25 year old niece just celebrated her 18 month soberversary. Her trouble started when she was raped at age 13 and she’s survived many suicide attempts, sex work and every drug known to humankind being put into her body. I wish you could see her now, shiny hair, clear eyes, and planning her future. Thanks for

This is pretty disturbing. When I read an article about this earlier, I was under the impression that the 500k was for info leading to an arrest of the person(s) who shot her dog walker, not a reward to the people who took her dogs.

The chainsaw is the one that gets me. These birbs are living hardware samplers. Also, thank you for linking the Attenbororough one - he’s delightful.

Yep, 1000% this. There’s no guarantee that the vaccine you reject because you don’t feel like you “should” qualify will actually go into the arm of another person, because our vaccine roll-out/planning looks a lot like the rest of our lovely support systems in this country.

Now playing

David Attenborough recorded the amazing lyre bird here:

I could rant to the clouds about BMI for hours.