
Besides the abuse FKA Twigs has suffered at the hands of Shia LaBeouf, I would like to see more discussion about the online abuse she suffered from Rob Pattinson’s crazy fans who did not like their Twilight prince with a someone who was not snow white! I would be really interested to know what Rob did to shut that

“She can ask anything she wants.”

Later in the interview, Gugliemelli said that he has Borderline Personality Disorder and explained that the humiliation he inflicted upon the men he deceived was not for sexual gratification but for control, out of fear of losing them as friends.

You see why I’m here.

new trend of goddamn labial trimming that even teenagers are doing”

I’m not buying the idea that the growing obsession with deep throat has anything to do with a man’s need to visualize female orgasm or pleasure. Hilarious. You can’t tell me that this isn’t a direct reaction to women being more and more vocal about sexism, feminism, and our collective anger. Put a dick in her mouth

The Trumps are like aristocracy on fast forward. They have one “good” King (for the people who like that sort of thing) and then all that king’s sons and cousins and daughters-in-law automatically assume they will be as good as that king, simply because their name is Trump.

There are all sorts of rumors about what type of hold Trump has over Lindsey Graham. I don’t know the veracity of such claims. I just hope that we don’t learn that LG sold out this country because just he was afraid that he would be outed for engaging in something that is legal between consenting adults, that his

I have messages sitting unread from an ex who ghosted me in an awful way. Based on the first line of the one that I can see is that he is puzzled as to why I haven’t reached out to him.  After he ghosted me. 

He was absolutely complicit in the wardrobe malfunction and let Jackson take the fall. I thought I knew the full story too, but I learned a lot from the You’re Wrong About episode on it (a great podcast in general).

Not to mention, the man that saw to her industry-wide near-total ban was Les Moonves, who was ousted by CBS following sexual misconduct allegations.

I don’t get that in AA, either.  Not to mention it often take two.  I drink and one of my exes told me he knew I never went to AA bc I never apologized to him.  Lol - this guy choked me once, and cheated and lied three major times and that’s not counting the times I did not know about.  It would be cute for him to

It is still astounding to me (and a testament to the deep, deep misogyny of our culture), that Janet Jackson’s career was so profoundly impacted by that moment. This woman, who reigned as pop ROYALTY for the two preceding decades - and one split-second nip-slip took her down.

The thing about apologies from past abusers is that they are usually for the abuser. The abuser went to therapy and realized they did something wrong, the abuser feels bad and reaches out to the person they victimized. What in that scenario is about the victim? What if the victim doesn’t desire an apology and contact

100%. If that’s the most worthwhile website writing about something then that’s a solid indication that it’s in humanity’s best interests to not share it any further.

I was too young for Jonestown and didn’t know much about it, but a couple of months ago I read a book called The Road to Jonestown by Jeff Guinn (very good; recommend for people who want a relatively complete picture of what happened, though the last few chapters are almost unendurable to read). Spier is right, and

The fact that the family had to work to investigate Quawan’s apparent murder while still mourning his death because the police wouldn’t, and then getting a suspect after the police didn’t bother is heartbreaking. I wish it hadn’t been necessary for them to have that kind of strength.

It has a very Bob Ross vibe. Maybe she’s been binge watching his tutorials online during lockdown.

you shouldn’t be left alone with a glass of water.