Mark Frauenfelder

As soon as I wake up I make breakfast for the family. I have two daughters, so my wife and the girls are getting ready for school and their day, so it's up to me to make sure that they're fed. Then I will take one of the girls to her school and my wife will take the other girl to her school. After that I start

We ran an article in Make a while back that basically showed you how to start a hacker space. I am not sure which issue it was, but if you search you'll find it.

It was something that I put together using pieces of lumber I bought at Home Depot.

Thanks for letting me know about Mummies! I am looking forward to checking them out when this chat is over.

I am more of an introvert, so I don't have that problem. I have set up my working situation so that I can work at home in a spare bedroom converted into an office to minimize distractions. If you are an extra bird, maybe you should do work that plays to that strength!

I think it's important to not be afraid of mistakes! Mistakes are actually a good thing. Research into the brain shows that making mistakes is one of the fastest ways to learn a new skill. Also when you make mistakes you are often led down a new path that you wouldn't of thought of if you had executed your plans

I use Skype and Call Recorder to record the podcasts, and then I edit them in GarageBand. I use a Yeti mic manufactured by Blue.

That's a hard question to answer. If it something I'm passionate about, I will keep at it no matter how many setbacks I experience, until I complete it. If it's something that I'm doing just to pick up a new skill or because I'm curious about how something works, I might abandon it after I feel I've satisfied my

I use Wunderlist to keep track of all my different list: a list for Make Magazine a list for Boing Boing, list for personal stuff, list for book projects, list for my podcast, etc. Then every morning I make my to do list on a pad of paper. I prioritize the items on the to do list and take care of them one by one. Of

One challenge was switching over from being a mechanical engineer to becoming a journalist. I didn't have any connections in the media world, so I started writing for the local newspaper in Boulder Colorado. I wrote software reviews and stuff like that, for free. Then I started writing for a magazine called Mondo

Off and on for about a year. What I'd really like to try next is a treadmill desk set up.

Well, besides my chicken coop, I really like this gadget I made it that has a plastic doll foot that kicks a ping-pong ball upper ramp and then when the ball rolls down it trips the light sensor and that's what kicks it back up the ramp. It's useless a lot of fun to watch.

My nine-year-old daughter Jane and I have been playing with Lego mindstorms to make robots. The step-by-step instructions are great. We made a robot that rotates around and looks for intruders, and when it find someone in the room it shoots colored plastic marbles at them.

I didn't expect that Boing Boing would end up being what it is today. I started it in 1988 as a print zine. I wanted it to be a print publication, but then the web came along and it became something else. It became a blog because I wrote an article about blogging in 1999, and was so excited by the idea of blogs that I
