
I agree, I actually liked the Robot companion better in COD (personality at least) but the Titanfall 2 Campaign was also amazing. The Titanfall 2 multiplayer really put the nail in the coffin for COD multiplayer for me, the movement just felt way better in TF2.

The single player campaign was the best aspect, most podcasts and articles I read applauded it. Most people aren’t playing the campaign for deep character development or storyline, there has to be enough of a narrative there to help enhance the gameplay. The multiplayer was where it was unimaginative and rehashed. The

Just bought Yakuza 0 on Weds, the day before it went on sale lol. Looking forward to it though!

Seriously ordered this yesterday for, its $14 so whatever but I’m shocked since it came out so long ago. Im doing a piece of a writing and needed this game for some research. I was wondering why they were offering free same day shipping. I’m sure it will be worth every penny though.

Seriously ordered this yesterday for, its $14 so whatever but I’m shocked since it came out so long

So good!

A lot of people have probably left the console versions to play Destiny 2, the people still playing are probably diehards and weren’t the assholes. Also as another reader has pointed out I’m sure a lot of PC players are now on PUBG. I know all of the Overwatch friends I had on PSN are all on Destiny 2 now.

This is awesome I’m losing my mind!

I’d be so mad if I got anything besides a gun...looks like Bungie likes screwing over people with IRL loot also

I was laughing reading this, its true though you don’t want people walking in and making a snap judgement of you based on all your stuff laying around. The hardest part Is hiding a streaming set up, anyone that comes to place and sees it is just weirded out by it. Wait you film yourself playing video games so

Almost bought Shephy when you originally wrote about it, reading this again reminds me that I should

Trials of the 9 is a horde mode where we earn xur currency and factions Wars will be 3 team crucible matches based on which faction.

Mario + Rabbids, never thought I would....basically nothing else sounds good until Destiny 2 on Tuesday. I’ve taken a few days off work next week just for Destiny 2.

yeah seriously

Not for me, I would gladly drop $80 for 21 SNES games

Yeah, I wasn’t too Hyped for the NES classic, but once I saw the games for the SNES classic I actually do want one, I’m not gonna pay extra to get one on Ebay though. I don’t really care about having the actual hardware either, I’d be perfectly happy with a digital version or cartridge. I’ve got too many consoles

Yeah I’m down, I probably wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.


Such a tease...why don’t they release digital versions of the NES and SNES classic for the Switch? A digital copy that includes all of the games, I’d pay the same price as the hardware since its such a pain to get. I know they could make more selling them individually, maybe make them limited time purchases.

Sounds good, count me in! Raid? I’d be just as happy if it only came with a raid.

Probably both, I have friends picking it up on PC and Xbox, possibly all 3. I’ve played since alpha on PS4, put many many hours into Destiny. I wouldn’t mind just starting up 1 character on the versions where I don’t play very often. At the end of the day I like Destiny so much because of the social