
Destiny and Xcom 2!

Matchmaking would not work, the best option I believe would either be a community space for raid pick up groups and/or emotes indicating that are you are actually trying to raid. Honestly in the good old days half of the fun was running around in the tower and messaging random people to get them to join you. I’ve made

I used to only pre order for midnight releases so I could get my hands on a game as soon as possible like a fiend. Digital downloads have changed that!

I’m gonna run the new raid for all my characters in destiny (ps4) finally and jump into xcom 2 (ps4), maybe even pick up inside (ps4)

One of the most inspirational articles I have ever read!

1. How big of a leap do you think Destiny 2 will be from Destiny?

Great read thanks for sharing!

Should I buy No Mans Sky this weekend or not?

I really enjoyed your article about the development of Destiny, how long did it take you to research that story and are you able to say how many different sources you had? What was the most surprising piece of information you uncovered?

1. Destiny (point emote 4 lyfe)

Looks amazing, honestly just what my couch and non gamer roommates need, Day one purchase!

I feel like GTA 3 revolutionized the “Open World” experience which has lead to its prominence in many modern games today. I am a huge fan of Destiny, I picked up The Division and after 80 hours all I wanted was more Destiny, honestly I think the gameplay just isn’t there for The Division. I feel like bungie has

I thought the ending to Uncharted 4 was a great send off forthe series, can you think of any other great video game endings?

I am a huge fan of game podcasts, what if any do you guys listen to? I’m a fan of kinda funny (gamescast and ps I love you) Giany bombcast, GI Show, and obviously Splitscreen.

Is that your preference?

Do you guys think destiny 2 will let us import out original destiny characters, just be a big expansion, or a new experience all together?

The games online modes did not work on launch night, they have worked fine since for me. I feel from a marketing stand point they have been very clear in their intentions to make this game mostly based online, it does suck that some of the limited single player functions do not work when the servers are down as well.

Without spoiling too much yet you tell me he's looking for his kid wtf is wrong with you?? Fucking asshole!