Frank Walker Barr

Not quite the same. The “premature anti-fascists” were an odd bunch who often took the Moscow line in Spain — and later tied themselves mentally in knots when it meant that the anti-fascist position was actually pro-fascist after the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of 1939 that made the Nazis and the Soviets allies until

Reminds me how Roger Ebert claimed Splash! would have been better if rather than have the mermaid fall in love with the sexy brother played by Tom Hanks, she could have fallen for the fat brother played by John Candy. Of course that might have been a bit of wish-fulfillment on Roger’s part.

Yeah, Danny DeVito was really cute back then. Oh, you were talking about Douglas & Turner?

To be fair, all the seasons of True Detective are basically unrelated to each other. At least this one shares with the first in actually being good.

It might be barely an inconvenience, but even that would be too much for this movie.

running at some pretty House Of Leaves-esque levels of meta

I think nuBSG was influenced by LOST to its detriment. I was skeptical of the series at first because I’m old and actually watched the original BSG as a child (and had some of the toys, even). But I really liked how more realistic it was dealing with the PTSD and survival guilt the people would realistically have

The problem is that the characters were all paper-thin archetypes. Nobody cared about Doctor Man or Criminal Man or Fat Man or Hot Lady or Bald Man -- there was nothing there to make them fully fledged characters. The mysteries were the only thing the series had going for it.

We’re not pretending, it was bad. There were many interesting things about LOST — what exactly was the Dharma Initiative? What did the numbers mean? The finale answered none of them. It was rubbish. And somehow we let the hack responsible to get his hands on Star Trek and Star Wars.

Long before an Irishman played Oppenheimer, Waterston played him in the 1980 British miniseries. It’s worth a look if you are interested in Oppenheimer at all. It’s on Youtube (or at least was).

The Americans had comedy too! It was pretty funny how people didn’t recognize Philip or Elizabeth just because they were wearing a wig and/or glasses.

It all depends on the incoming expectations. A B+ can be a well done execution of a mediocre idea and thus be better than expected, or a great idea not as executed as well as it could have been, thus being a disappointment.

Remember, Brazil is in the Southern Hemisphere. It’s late summer there, approaching autumn. They need to get home. Fall of the house of usher, and all that.

“Barton Fink! Barton Fink!”

Max Rebo is very self-conscious about his blue head and trunk and prefers that the camera focuses elsewhere.

Is the cameraman my uncle? Back in the days before digital cameras and their screens, he’d manage to frame the shots consistently wrong with most people’s heads out of the frame.

It’s also unclear as to why Sesame’s social media managers decided to play out this experiment with this episode at this time.

That’s a bit like saying Vaughn’s blander than Wonder Bread given that Ritchie himself isn’t as punk or whatever as he presents either. Not that you’re wrong about Vaughn.

That’s what Wikipedia says, but that’s only because they give the Soviet whataboutism (which is far older than the 1970s) its own page “And you are lynching Negros” after the phrase they used to deflect criticism of the USSR) for some reason.

That’s what Wikipedia says, sure, but that’s only because they give the Soviet whataboutism (which is far older than the 1970s) its own page “And you are lynching Negros” after the phrase they used to deflect criticism of the USSR) for some reason.