Franks and frijoles

C’mon man, that’s not fair. Sox fans can’t write.

Hey bud, from all of us here at the Deadspin comment section, go fuck yourself.

i appreciate the coverage but i swear posts on Baylor are always late afternoons and Fridays. Give these fuckers the first thing AM treatment they deserve.

It has been 9 years since I deployed to Iraq. I spent 15 months there doing convoy recovery. Since I got back I’ve dealt with at times crippling PTSD, and about three years ago my therapist recommended I try playing a more realistic war game, as it apparently helps many people (though honestly I don’t know how). At

Now playing

Hijacking your comment to post this, my favorite interview of all time.

Thank god.

I sometimes worry that I’ll write these nerdy things, and literally zero people will care.

Now I know at least one will!

Every time I read a technical piece by you, I think “wow its scary how much we’re fascinated by the same things” then I remember you’re an engineer too, and that stuff like this is what makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside.

HOORAY! NERD STUFF! Jalopnik needs more nerd stuff. Just FYI David, ACAC and LCAC aren’t explained, I have no idea what those acronyms mean, Air Cooled Air Charge? Liquid Cooled Air Charge?

So, any of your alma maters an abject embarrassment? Or just mine?


Wow. That was a foolish argument. Are you trying to claim that NASA never lost a payload? Because I don't know how to be the one to tell you, but they have. With casualties. See: Apollo 1, STS 51-L (Challenger), STS 107 (Columbia), etc. Why can't we have both? Fund NASA, and have some hard charging privateers?

“I wish it were 1825" — official slogan of the Republican Party in 2016

I hope BAT does a follow up story on this one. The BAT community is second to none, it’d be nice to see this come full circle explanation.

Re: 1st Gear - I honestly wonder what effect businesses like Bring A Trailer are having on the more casual collector’s market? I routinely see cars that would be auction catnip - interesting, well-preserved, but driven mass produced cars - selling for decent sums. But what I see more is people like us, who have more

“Also, per school policy, the dog has been expelled”


Wait until BYU joins the Big “12". Then they get to play Baylor every year in what will be a disappointment of a game when a meteor doesn’t strike the stadium.

They gave SMU the death penalty for a lot less than the crap Baylor’s been doing.