
Yeah, I think Oppenheimer may have been the last movie I’ve seen with nudity in it. My sense is that sex scenes are pretty rare. And we don’t see the thing that was common years ago, where there is nudity that truly seems to come out of nowhere, like in Swordfish.

It’s pretty clear this isn’t talking about a well choreographed fight scene. They’re talking about an over-choreographed and gratuitous fight scene--which there’s a whole lot of out there.

He says they’re “overused these days” and are just there for the sake of naked people rather than being actually “beneficial to a movie.”

What’s also not needed are those highly choreographed fight scenes that seem to go on for eternity. The way they’re depicted, it seems so improbable that any part of these fights could go past 10-seconds before someone needs an ambulance. Are either one of these guys asking themselves, “Does this 8-minute fight

On one hand, it’s horrible this is happening to Taylor Swift.

A million homeless? Whatever.

Your comment is literally the first time anyone’s mentioned a vagina on this page.  Have something you need to get off your chest?

This is a video?

It was the second Barbie on the grassy knoll!

I totally agree. That’s what it whiffs of.

It's a prequel that takes place before the fall of civilization. It is called "The e-book of Eli."

What a strange title to bring back. Not to spoil, but I had pegged the “twist” within the first couple scenes of the movie, but because none of the characters addressed what I had assumed was the case, I figured I was mistaken until it came back around at the end.

They can clone him! Throw in some frog DNA just to see what happens. 

Release the Drago cut.

Plus the whole thing would have gone over a lot better if he had delivered even the bad jokes with conviction.  He audibly gave up on them before they were even out of his mouth.

Yes. That was the most egregious part by a mile, and no one is talking about it.

Blatant fan catering is tight!

Oh, least original, least creative, safest, most blatantly fan catering firms are tight!

finally, a movie that takes place between return of the jedi and the force awakens.

There are a lot of people out there who don’t know the shit that Scientology has pulled and continues to pull. Though anyone in the acting business is doing themselves a disservice if they don’t look into it, if only to save themselves a lot of time and money.