
Die Slowly, which sounds like one of those horrible torture porn movies like Saw”

Play Me The Song of Death kinda fits honestly, especially with Bronson’s character’s whole backstory.

From what I’ve seen online, she changed into a leotard inside that had all kinds of fringe appliques to mimic wings.

Serves Germany right for fucking up the titles of so many American movies. Die Hard is “Strib Langsam” (Die Slowly, which sounds like one of those horrible “torture porn” movies like Saw). “Once Upon a Time in the West” is “Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod” (Play me the Song of Death, a title more fitting for a horror movie

Oh, God - ‘Wings of Desire’ is my favorite movie, and I hated ‘City of Angels’ so bad that I once interrupted a woman in a restaurant I overheard gushing about it to tell her how WRONG she was.

Ich weiss jetz, was kein Engel weiss

They couldn’t even do this! Where was Roland Emmerich showing us helpless people on a subway train scream bug-eyed as he looks in on them?

History shows again and again how nature points up the folly of man.

Death at a Funeral needs to be on this list.

So for the rest of the night, as she roams the party, people come up to her and say, “I like your blue bird costume”, to which she responds, “I’m not a bluebird. Feathers: ASSEMBLE!”

Spot on! She infiltrated The Twins and served Walder Frey a pot pie made of his sons!!! I’m sure Cersei “I Choose [to Stand Behind] Violence” Lannister wouldn’t have lasted longer than fighter introductions!

EXACTLY. What exactly was she envisioning here? In what universe does she think Cersei was a match for Arya in any way? The only thing I can think is that she would have put on her pitiful face and cried and *maybe* gotten Arya to feel sorry for her (not likely, but Arya did have a heart), and then *maybe* she could

Non-combatant vs. elite assassin would not a great climactic moment make.

There wouldn’t have been a fight scene. Arya would have fucked Cersei up before she could muster a scowl.

It looks like Disney has prematurely shot its wad on what was supposed to be a dry run if you will, so it looks like they have something of a mess on their hands.

It’s an Australian galaxy.

The only thing left is requiring long term subscriptions to prevent people from signing up for two months a year to catch up. Otherwise, all of this was very predictable.

Maybe the long game on this is getting us all to buy DVD’s again to get away from the commercials we’ve grown accustomed to not watching. 

So you pay for, say, TV on Hulu which is like $60/month, then call Netflix and Prime another $20/month each and you’re looking at $100/month. If that’s cheaper than cable and you’re cool with commercials, then get the cable. Basic+HD packages at my cable company apparently cost $133/month, though prices may vary with

So to keep the same Prime benefits I have now (including ad-free Prime Video), my Prime membership goes from $139 per year to $175 per year basically.