The soundtrack was the big thing for me. It swells in exactly the right places and booms exactly when it needs to. The ethereal and cosmic aesthetic it has fits perfectly without getting too opera or cyberpunk sounding
The soundtrack was the big thing for me. It swells in exactly the right places and booms exactly when it needs to. The ethereal and cosmic aesthetic it has fits perfectly without getting too opera or cyberpunk sounding
Sure, the cinematography makes Paul look even smaller than he already is, but no one miniaturizes him more spectacularly than Gaius Helen Mohiam does.
Fascinating to imagine what his credit limit is on that card.
“You know how no one ever likes the part of a zombie movie before the zombies show up? Well, hear me out...”
“Do not blame the LGBTQ community for any of this.”
Personal Shopper, Clouds of Sils Maria, Adventureland, Into the Wild, Undertow.
I recently saw John Cleese on his Why There Is No Hope tour. There was a Q&A portion (hosted by his daughter Camilla Cleese) which began with a disclaimer: We do not know the velocity of any swallows and there will be no Silly Walks.
I remember reading that saying it was “averted” was counting your chickens before they hatch because the union as a whole steal had to vote on the deal and a lot of them apparently weren’t happy with it. I could see this - and the resulting public support for crew members - being the nail in the coffin of that…
Here’s an idea: let’s stop plastering Baldwin’s face and name in every article about this. Jesus christ. And it’s not just here, it’s everywhere. All you’re doing is feeding the ringwing dicknutbags and trolls.
I can see it now—
I hadn’t seen that. Are you referring to this?
What is this, the 1920's? Nobody should be getting injured on TV sets in 2021. I struggle to understand how this can happen in the world’s most litigious country.
That sink isn't braced yet!
Sounds like Tarantino is preparing to recon the part of his own story where he only makes X number of movies and calls it a day.