The ultimate Halloween costume.
The ultimate Halloween costume.
As an adult: Misery.
i recently tried “high rise” & just couldn’t get through it.
Not many people can pull off wearing a peacock cape, but he does it.
Yes, the book is really disturbing and not really enjoyable for me. The film a lot less disturbing and more enjoyable, because it isn’t so graphic (and implies that all the violence might be a delusion of Bateman anyway), and focuses more on the emptiness of 1980s yuppie life.
H.P. Lovecraft’s At The Mountains of Madness. The state of cosmic dread and unspeakable horror this book produces is IMO unmatched by any other written work I’ve come into contact with.
raises hand. also the R5-D4 cameo. Glad it found a home.
Did anyone else notice that Space Raylan’s speeder was made from one of Anakin’s podracer engines?
Can I vote for the Company of Wolves ?
“Q-Zones”? Hmmm, that must be a non-intentional use of that particular controversial letter, right? I mean there’s no way that Michael Bay, of all people, would include a racist, wacko, right-wing dog whistle in one if his movies, right?
Yeah maybe lets not make a movie about Covid until people have stopped dying from it guys. Especially considering the rise in cases and the fact that our federal government is happy to just ignore it and act like its going away
My mother was all-in during the Satanic Panic of the mid-80s. She was a stay at home mom who had Trinity Broadcasting Network going all day. And she blindly followed whatever those televangelists were spouting.
I don’t remember where I read this, but my understanding of Satanic Panic started when a bipolar, alcoholic mother was convinced her toddler was being molested and indoctrinated into Satanism. She’d made a bunch of outlandish accusations, including the bit about being flushed down a toilet, but then she died before…
this was sooooo fun!!! the only one that was meh was the bride in the box, but the others were all a blast!