But the books and DVDs still exist. This is more like activly recalling and destroying all existing copies.
Making money by taking your product away from your customers.
Thank you! Now PLEASE heed the man’s words. You are allowed to recast. You are allowed to have younger actors play the same character in flashbacks. Can you imagine Last Crusade being made today - we’d have gotten a badly de-aged teenage Harrison Ford instead of River Pheonix!
The news Star Wars Thing wil be set in galaxy galas far far away, a long time ago!
Releasing creative works that hundreds of people worked on is SO 2020. producing content for the dumpster is the new hip trend!
Moana was SEVEN years ago. Is their next project a live action remake of Strange World?
Sure ,if you want to watch a thing once, streaming works, even though you obviously have to be quick to catch it before the corporate Gods deem you unworthy to see it.
Physical Media. The only way to actually OWN content.
This one of the main problems the public perception of Cruise’s involvement with Scientology: people severely underestimate how influential he is in the organisation. Which is why Pegg can tell himself he can be friends with Cruise and not care about it because it’s just an eccentric hobby of his. Nothing serious.
If you’re a top ranking member of a self declared religious organization, people will talk to you about it. If you call the Archbishop of Canterburry a friend, but can’t talk to him about Anglican Church, you may not actually fall into the definition of “friend”.
Ah, yes. The type of friend where you lose “privileged access” when you talk about the one and only thing that dominates their entire life.
“Long live Emperor Georgiou”