
I really don’t see how any of this is the public’s business. Bowie was fairly private and the fact that his last wishes, which he put together in private, would be splashed all over the net is just sad and wrong. Is anything sacred in our lives any more? Does every morsel in a person’s life need to be parsed? His

Total. Theft.

Am I missing something? What exactly did he do wrong? I’m seriously confused. hurt my feelings...tee hee

Yup. That’s exactly it. You may also want to check out “The Hunt.” Since obviously you are an intellectual powerhouse. But just know there are subtitles so be prepared to actually have to pay attention.

One scene. That one scene and that’s it. The rest of the time in the movie she had the same expression. It wasn’t groundbreaking. I was more impressed with the supporting actor John Hawkes.

Exactly. Hollywood needs a box office flavor of the year. They did it with Julia Roberts, tried to do it with Sandra Bullock and now Lawrence. I think of actors like Chastain, Winslet, Bullock, Blanchett and many others who it took years for the kind of accolades Lawrence is getting. I just don’t like bullshit

And she was equally rude. Manners do matter...on both ends.

Honestly, the dude didn’t kill her first born. And maybe you need to lay off the Lawrence sauce. If someone spoke to me that way in public you can bet I’d have something to say...”bro”

It’s not like the dude was talking to his girlfriend. He was trying to do his job, although maybe not that great but that doesn’t excuse some prima donna actress from also being rude. She benefits more than most people from the accolades heaped upon her. The least she can do is be a bit more gracious about being

You have no idea what it’s like to be at a press junket where everyone is clamoring to get their questions answered in a short amount of time all the while competing with a dozen other media outlets. So, should reporters not take notes and look down while they are doing it? No, as a reporter you are trying to capture

As an MMJ often times you will use photos from a tablet or phone because the quality is just as good and you don’t have to have a whole photographer set up. Media outlets are notoriously cheap and it wouldn’t surprise me if this was the case here. We are learning this stuff in journalism school right now. It’s not

And so what? You may like her but not everyone has or will.

Actually, I think she was a dick.

Well, photos are necessary for a story.

You don’t have to be a dick to let someone know they are being rude or whatever. Lawrence is beginning to think her shit don’t stink and it’s annoying. Besides, apparently the reporter was using his phone to translate his question...or that’s what I read.

Maybe it’s because Lawrence’s talent is overrated and she is being praised, lauded and given awards because she’s “real” and popular. She’s an average actress at best but she’s being set up to be the next Meryl Streep for some odd reason. Meanwhile, not a single woman of color has been praised the way she has nor do

Dumbass. If it wasn’t for the SC black folks would still be eating out back, riding in the back and not allowed in white only establishments. The courts spoke back then and people had to comply whether their racists asses wanted to or not. Gay men and women should be afforded the same fucking backing by our

That is one badass illustration.

Exactly. My best friend from HS still plays and she posted a pic on FB last week of the gnarley rasberry she got sliding into a bag. She’s married with a kid and still plays short stop like she’s still in HS. Badass all the way. Me, I got back issues now but otherwise would still be playing.