
You couldn't be any more fucking wrong, you goddamn moron.

Yeah, Travis, it's the ONLY color that, ironically, doesn't make it look like a giant douche mobile.

And those people play PC games. There are no console racing sims, just games that are less arcade-y. I love Forza though. This game? I'll wait and see.


"...crome" Oof.

No, but the video in the bottom of the article does.

I don't disagree with a single thing you said.

I think it's more that Shelby actually gives customers their car back with all mods done as promised. Meanwhile, what Hennessey does has been well documented. Hint: it isn't giving customers what they paid for.

Please, please, please move to Fort Collins, then. The cyclists here need someone to teach them a lesson or two on how not to get killed.

No, I don't think that's a problem. I just don't think that a cyclist that fails to follow ALL of the rules of the road has ANY right to criticize a motorist who does the same. We're all trying to get somewhere, so be considerate of that.

Here's another thought: moving slowly in traffic and therefore delaying those behind you (or in this case forcing people to pass illegally to get around) makes you a jackass no matter what kind of vehicle you're in/on.

The "we have a right to the road" defense is such a joke. Ok, you have a right to the road. You choosing to take up a whole lane with your 2' wide bike, forcing vehicles to either make dangerous passes or delaying traffic makes you a jackass. In fact, moving slowly in traffic makes you a jackass no matter what kind of

because bikers believe it's their right to the road. Law may say so- common courtesy says move over and let the faster vehicles pass.

My guess is that he'll have a great story about what those guys on the bikes did to cause him so much frustration.

You have to wonder, though, if the bikers did something pre-video that legitimately angered the driver. Not that laying on the horn for that long is acceptable though- that's just ridiculous.

Gotta wonder if the cyclists did something first. Kinda seems like the sort of thing where we only saw part of the story, you know?

"As a cyclist, I ride three feet (or more) into the outside lane. I take the entire lane, requiring drivers to change lanes to pass me. "

??? I'm saying that I've been endangered because of cyclists forcing me to take evasive action because of their inattentiveness. Like, when I've been on a road like that outside Erie (CO) with much more traffic and the line of cyclists suddenly decides to become a cluster without checking behind them.

You're one of the few, Ben. I live ~30 minutes from there and my family lives right in that area. Most of the time cyclists will ride around 3 feet into the lane on these roads, making it dangerous at best to pass. Lots of teams/ groups with total disregard for the vehicles that those roads were built for. I wouldn't

Eh, my right one has always seemed weird. I'd give that one up if the F40 was in 100% showroom condition.