
@Spiegel Duck: You're an idiot. The US has the highest crash test standards... In the world. Seriously, that's why Europe and Japan get all these sweet cars and we only get boats over here.

Methinks it's time to make the short trip down to Denver and have a chat with the K-Pax guys. Maybe even let them peek at my S60R... *sigh* I could build the best car ever if I only had the money. Which reminds me of a song. How did it go??

I actually think that's a pretty cool piece of art. On the street? I'd key the shit out of it.

@jdepould: Wow I really thought my post there would be inflammatory. It's interesting to read mature responses on this topic. I'm curious as to what police are actually trained to do in these situations, and if there is any emphasis on acting a certain way.

Finally, a couple officers of the law who don't abuse their privilages. Way to do it correct guys. No need to slam people into the ground as hard as you can, just point your weapon at them and tell them to do it themselves.

Honestly, I think this is the best looking Taurus ever. By far. Especially in wagon form.

@$kaycog: I desperately hope that's photoshopped.

@v8v10v12moreisbetter: I disregard everything you said because you can't do math. Now-2006 /= 6 years. It's five. Spoken like a true GM owner...

Volvo 850 sedan. The rear seats are strategically angled in just the right way. The fronts move forward enough to give some room, and oh yeah, that center console is a mighty fine support.