SK will grudgingly accept the Jets and lovingly kick the Blue Bombers' asses back to MB where they belong
SK will grudgingly accept the Jets and lovingly kick the Blue Bombers' asses back to MB where they belong
I'm plugging away on schedule. I'm nearing 45,000, should cross 50,000 on Friday, and expect to need 100,000 to finish the novel. Not sure why but I've spent less time on the forums this year than any previous year.
They're actual size but they seem much bigger to me.
While reading an article last year, I stumbled across the unfamiliar word 'grawlix' whose Wikipedia article linked to 'cartoon physics'. The concept tickled me, so I jotted down a quick note and filed the concept away in my brain to let it percolate. I'd add other ideas to my notes over the following months as…
TL;DR warning…
Thanks to a blizzard I spent 3 extra hours on the highway instead of writing, but managed to get in a thousand words before midnight. Now at 6,443 words and hoping to double that tomorrow, which will keep me on track for a 75,000+ word novel by the end of November.
I'm a long-time participant. I set daily goals based on the amount of time I have available to write. Today, with a day off from work but evening plans, I set my goal for 4,000 words. Tomorrow I'm travelling so my goal is 1,000 words. I write 5,000 words if I have a full day available, and if I'm really busy I set…
He's a daredevil, just like his old man.
Correction: Saturday
Luckily, he was shot with a water pistol. And his spider was well cared for and returned to him after his clothes dried. And they tuned up his snowmobile to make up for the inconvenience.
It's the Slurpee capital of the world!
Wikipedia: "7-Eleven stores across Winnipeg sell an average of 188,833 Slurpee drinks per month. The rest of Canada sells an average of 179,700 per month, which makes Winnipeggers the world leader of Slurpee sales"
Or a return appearance of the narcocorrido band and their tribute to Heisenberg!
So *that's* what Miley Cyrus was doing.
If so, "Better call Saul"!
Hey, I'm a Saskatchewan guy, too.
Way to go Blades!
Best lines (paraphrased, of course, because I only memorize Simpsons quotes):
ANTHONY: "If I don't get it right, Bates is going to kill me."
BATES: "If he messes this up, I'll kill him."
What do you mean, we're honeymooning at Fukushima?
Boys From the County Hell
Thousands Are Sailing
Turkish Song of the Damned
Now come days of begging, days of theft. Days of riding where there rode no soul save he.