Francis Buxton

As someone who spends a lot of time in Jefferson City, and was down there yesterday fighting once again for Medicaid expansion, I can tell you that this couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. Although this has been one of the worst sessions in our state’s history in terms of sticking it to the citizens of Missouri

“ There has never been a time when an elected official is praised for his “family values” that it does not come back to bite him in the worst way possible. Remember this, family values Republicans. Learn it well. For once. “

This is why I am terrified of getting sent to jail or having anything to do with the legal system. I am trans, and I transitioned almost 20 years ago. But, since I did not get any surgery, I would be put in with the men. I am not a man and never was, and being forced to live with men as a ‘man’ with the potential for

I actually see this as a National Security issue if you want the truth. If Creationism is allowed to be taught as ‘fact’ then our students will fail to learn critical thinking, actual science, and as a result, reduce America’s ability research, innovate and fully participate in the Global Economy.

I like a lot of stuff about Christianity, but Christians are really starting to annoy me.

Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.

And “rioters” is a more preferable term? It seemed to me that Hillary’s point was that these were just protesters (and shouldn’t be called thugs), and that the mayor seemed to be more focused on these “protesters” than she is on the cops. To me, protesting doesn’t involve burning down homes for the elderly and other

From one of two NY Post articles that aimed to defend her from mean Internet people, by Kyle Smith:

Her time is up. She had a chance & let this serve as a LESSON. There are too many “real deal” attractive, knowledgeable and genuinely kind female reporters that would be great in her role.

I use mine to keep the crows out of my corn.

[UPDATE] The NY Post has taken to defending her. Another Palin parallel, and another reason to fire her.

Well, and what the hell did the woman behind the desk have to do with her car being towed? I can imagine being frustrated at the company, but it’s not like THAT particular woman towed her car. And I understand losing your temper, but the ad hominem attacks are ludicrous.

I wish I had a camp.

There may be innocuous reasons for posing with (or even owning) a framed picture of Sarah Palin, but I’ll be damned if I can think of one.

I understand that you are pissed when your car is towed, but her shitty behaviour about how much better she is than everyone else is really what makes me angry to no end. So many problems that the world has is because people think they are better than others.
This woman is truly ugly.

#Assholesoftheworldunite #Teamfloorpoop

She's a DC reporter for ESPN. And since DC sports are mostly garbage I can understand why nobody has seen her.

The Palin parallels are striking.

Funny you should mention the ol’ floorshitter...

Ok, seriously, who the fuck is this woman?