
Indeed. But also, I’m not sure it does take a well-coached team to take advantage of its players just straight up winning their individual match-ups on most every play. There’s no blueprint to this game because it wasn’t some amazing scheme that made the difference. It was the Colts offensive line just beating the

Any type of Bear Week is orders of magnitude better than Shark Week. My wife and I have spent entire evenings watching the Brooks Falls cam on Bears are magnificent and I’m happy for their fatness and general commitment to being bears.

This was true up until the advent of broadband. It is now an antiquated take that children will look upon curiously.

The change goes on top to weigh down the folding money/receipt, right? That’s the logic I’m assigning to it, especially in a drive through situation where the elements could factor into the transaction. Plus, people don’t really care about coinage. It is the most lose-able part of the exchange. Some people would say

My wife and I are big “homie” people. Her 50-something year-old boss recently told her that no one says homie anymore. I found this to be absurd. Homie doesn’t go out of style. Even if it did, you could still use it in a throwback-y sense until it comes back around.

Maybe, but also, the premise of the show isn’t really what made it successful. Like him or not, the reason for the show’s success is because it’s attached to Jerry Seinfeld. That this guy had an idea doesn’t make him an equal partner. I’d be pretty okay if I had an idea for a show that became a hit and got paid $100k

I am not attuned to the intricacies of most basketball shots, but this doesn’t look like a “new” shot. It looks like the shots you see at the end of a shot clock or quarter where guys just throw something up. So, congratulations(?) Harden on trying to add a low percentage shot to your arsenal.

Given that the Joseph regime got swapped out, and it’s still more of the same, I’m less inclined to point to that as being a catastrophic misstep. It was a bad move, but pales in comparison to Elway’s total inability to construct a roster. There hasn’t been a tight end threat on this team since Manning made Julius

“We defeated evil with the sword of teamwork and the hammer of not bickering.”

While we’re talking about missing obvious violations impacting the game, I don’t remember which game it was yesterday, but the refs continuously missed that one team kept doing something called a “Joe Flacco.” Really undermined the fairness of the game.

Remember - not actually a transcript. A summary. According to the complaint the actual record of the call is sitting on an NSC server, which it should in no way be on. If it is, and it’s markedly different than what the White House put out (in the “he made it undeniably clear that funding would come in exchange for

I wonder though what means congress has to extract those documents. Certainly an impeachment inquiry gives it more investigative powers, but they’ll need to both identify and then possibly compel individuals who know which documents to pull.

Providing info for reduction of your personal sentence is an effective tool in combating criminal activity and corruption from street gangs all the way up white collar political activity (maybe turn the news on today for an example).

In terms of the concept of humanity colonizing other part of the solar system, and how that might play out, The Expanse has much more thought-provoking red meat than, “we’ll probably just end up putting retail chains on a moon base.”

I agree with the last line, which is why I found this movie underwhelming after watching Jennifer Lopez do the same thing (and of course talking more and conveying a range of emotions) in Hustlers (made it a double feature this past Saturday). This movie seemed to mostly get by with the idea that Brad Pitt is a movie

Just wait until the Musk/Chapo hyperloop tunnel is complete. It’ll be a breeze.

Russian To Judgement

Definitely the best (only?) salad you’ll find in Stillwater.

Sure, but also, that’s kind of the point of scientific research. Instead of relying on everyone’s individual, anecdotal perspective, it creates a controlled situation to verify if that perspective is dominant across a population. It may seem like a “duh” experiment, but the very act of engaging in the experiment is

Bandersnatch?! Really?! Other than the shiny object of interactivity, that really was a wholly forgettable movie.