
I was a kid, but I feel like seltzer made the rounds in the 80s/early 90s too (mostly the non-alcoholic variations, but wasn’t Zima basically sweet, alcoholic carbonated water?). It has always sucked. I’ve never understood the allure of SLIGHTLY flavored carbonated water. It’s almost as annoying as the idea that hard

But it sounds like it wasn’t on the accepted list either. That puts the onus on AB to inquire, which he could’ve done at any point in the past year. Keeping quiet and assuming that because it isn’t explicitly banned, it must be okay isn’t really a defensible position. Frankly, I just don’t think he’s thrilled about

Have you NOT seen him without a shirt? 

Current indisputable GOATs:

Honestly...this is a really good point that I wouldn’t have considered. I’m a frequent bike commuter and using the same helmet I’ve had for the past six years. Sounds like it’s time. And luckily, it will retire undefeated!

Reads to me like he really doesn’t want to play for the Raiders. Seeing how the last superstar the Raiders had was able to get the hell out by making demands, maybe AB is trying the same thing. But, ya know...instead of making it about a contract, he’s taking a creative route with his poison pill.

I’m with you...and that kinda sucks because that’s my parents whom I think are terrific people (and aren’t Trump supporters). Yet, he is the manifestation of a worldview held by many Boomers who still have the influence and power to impose it. Racism and the other tenets of cultural conservatives will endure after the

True, but the refrain of, “there oughta be a law,” is also a product of a deterioration of norms. Every society needs norms on acceptable behavior and speech. If the law is the only instrument to address these issues, you risk creating an extremely repressive society OR one in which the rule of law collapses because

I was just listening to a story on the UN’s climate change and food supply report this morning. One of the main, “it’s bad, but there are some solutions” points was the need for changes in human diets. Yes, there are technological advancements that can be made in how we cultivate food, but people eating a lot less

“Her attempts to take a sensual moment into the realm of consensual made me realize it was a pyrrhic conquest at best.”

I was pleased to see a lot of Jay Fiedler references. He’s one of those guys that I remember as being perpetually 38 years-old throughout his playing career, even though he retired when he was 36.

Starred for your last point. I’m too lazy to look up the data (if it even exists) but methinks most guns used in mass violence, suicide, and homicides are not the type of guns that would be particularly effective in a hunting situation. And in terms of high capacity...if you need to touch off more than five or six

AND THE DISREGARD OF THE FUCKING MUTE BUTTON. I can’t think of the last time I was on a conference call and didn’t hear the ambient noises of an office/car/house fill the call bridge. I was recently at a board meeting where one of the directors (an Old) was home sick and joined by phone. The only times he would’ve

Confined public space bluetoothing is terrible. Had a dude join a business meeting while waiting on a jetway to board a plane. I think he was using air pods so a lack of volume awareness came into play. I don’t do anything all that sensitive for a living, but I still don’t like the idea of 30-40 strangers very clearly

The most enjoyable parts of Hard Knocks has always been the hidden gem personalities. TO, Chad Johnson, Rex knew those guys were going to have their moments (some of which were still fun), but it’s the guys you don’t necessarily know much about that can truly shine. Gerald McCoy was a revelation, as was

Kinda...when Osweiler was picked, both Russell Wilson and Kirk Cousins were still very much available. And Elway moved up to get Paxton Lynch which forced the Cowboys to settle for Dak Prescott three rounds later. Yes, it’s a crap shoot no matter the player, but I think there are a few personnel people out there that

The Flacco and Lock moves made no sense to me either. Yes, the last “sure thing” QB to hit the draft was Andrew Luck, but the 2020 class looks pretty good. Bringing in Flacco best case takes you to 9-7 or 10-6. But then compounding that with drafting a QB who looked noticeably worse against SEC defenses then Fromm and

Yep, those are some cool spots (although RiNo has rightly earned the reputation of being hipster super saturated). Denver still has a long way to go on mobility, but honestly has a pretty impressive network of bike and walking paths and is at least upping its annual investment in them. I live near Mile High Stadium

True, but I voted against this. I’m all for re-evaluating overall approaches to drug policies, but this one was pretty fringe, and kinda seemed more an exercise in trying to pass a law rather than solve a problem. You know...because the Denver Jail is just filled with all those people popped for mushroom possession.

My family went out to dinner as a way of doing something nice to try to take our minds off the terrible thing you just witnessed. We barely talked. I vividly remember the next morning the local news morning shows ran a full screen with a mental health hotline for people that may be having issues because the Broncos