
It was not up to the standards of the Fox run of the series. But it was better than the majority of the post Fox episodes. There is some genuinely enjoyable parts. When they go to the nude planet and the resulting computer security related scenes come to mind, but there are other sequences that are also held to the

It has always bothered me that we don't ever see Fry after all that orange blur heroism.

Your face is greasy. REAL greasy.

Futurama predicting the future again. Who else knew the kinds of things we would be agreeing to with today's licence agreements.

What time do you close?

Mushu is sad..

The best line of that episode comes after Fry brings them all out of the fire and Farnsworth's date says "What happened to all the food?"

The only thing that other crew did better was Suck and Die.

They've insulted our fat queen.

Every one of the characters from the Waterfall family dies.

This is hands down the best line of the series that is not spoken by a central character.

But is it going to get them off their tractors?

Oooooh Yeah!

I can't get it out of my mind. I'm trying to comment here on these two episodes which are full of Fry being awesome. And all I can think of is some dumb article on some dumb site that listed the 10 worst episodes of Futurama. And in that list was Bend Her. Bend Her a bad episode? One of the worst episodes? Hell no!!

These are two episodes that fall into the category of not having Fry and Bender together as the focus of the central plot. And whenever that happens the magic of the series just isn't there. It can still be good in comparison to the rest of tevee, but will always be lacking in comparison to the best of Futurama.

I don't understand the negativity about the Anthologies of Interest. I love them. They may be superficial and as lowest-common-denominator as Futurama gets, but they are a blast to me.


Get to the watchamacallit. Point!

I upvoted, but then realized that isn't enough. I must reply with agreement.

And just prior.
Leela: By a wide margin, that has to be the most unlikely thing that has ever happened.