
Typical response. No one is oppressing you, but by all means feel free to act as if you are.

Yeah, Armstrong was the Mt. Everest of Evil American Power-hungry Industrialist stereotype, and Trump is a monumental fascist jack-off, but this is a gaming site and not a personal blog for you to ram your political ideologies down our throat. Next time find the appropriate medium to promote your personal agendas,

I can’t speak for OP, but I’m not asking for your silence. I’m just hoping for something more empathetic, more understanding, more thoughtful, and more intriguing from you. Aspiration, not castigation.

Exactly! If I wanted to read trash, I’d go to a mainstream site. I come here to read about video games and Video game culture. Politics have very little to do with ether right now, we’re in a good place, with companys learning its better to self regulate than allow the government to step in. If I wanted to read about

I don’t like Trump, but, I won’t vote for Clinton.

That’s not the point. Nothing to do with comfort. We come to gaming sites to read about gaming, to get a break from the political BS. Why everyone feels the need to insert the election into every damn subject imaginable is beyond me. Frankly, America will, one way or the other, get precisely what she deserves. I just

Here on a game blog, I thought this was just going to be an article about an awesome final boss that became a huge meme and a very underrated action game.

Instead it’s a bunch of political bullshit personal hot take pushing a personal belief and agenda that has zero point being on gaming blog site. This type of garbage

But if they didn’t use their “platform” to cram their opinions down your throat, how would you ever know to vote for Hillary?

This site is more fun when it stays away from politics, especially when its writers tend to fall into the hole of talking about things they do not understand.

You won’t need to worry, the election is rigged by the La Li Lu Le Lo anyways. Just as Obama was handpicked by George Bush to be the next puppet frontman successor, so will Hillary be the face for the oligarchs of the central banks, wallstreet, Bayer/Monsanto, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc, etc. More inflation, more wars,

I have nothing pertinent to say, other than to mention that I can never resist a great nanomachines meme.

That is all.

Why is there political bias in a gaming website