Fractured Farina

The moment when I absolutely felt the whole thing had lost any sense of comedy or foundation in reality or just good taste was when Sheen's animated counterpart spilled sugar on the table and his nose turned into a vacuum cleaner so he could suck up what he believed was cocaine. Ugh! Just no.

I hate myself for knowing the answer to this, but here goes - Someone, presumably Sheen's character, broke into their house and put cardboard cutouts of them in the room. The cutouts had nooses around their necks and big red targets painted on their chests. Both, the half man and the housekeeper had to make a joke

Thank you for trying to help him. Even though you may not have gotten him out, I'm sure your support meant the world to him.

A million stars for you. This is precisely what happened and precisely what the problem in Alabama is. The Facebook messages from people here over the last few weeks have been insane, worse than anything I've ever seen. Such open bigotry and hostility - I'll be surprised if some sort of violence doesn't go down here

There were numbers, but I already did the math for you. ;-)

He drives me bananas with this "81% of Alabama" nonsense.

I get where you're coming from. When I feel that way, though, I remind myself of the comments he made after touring Anne Frank's house and I'm suddenly okay with any remarks people make about him.

It's hard for me to obey my corporate overlords if they can't make sure that their machinery works properly!

Thanks for the info, Jollyjen. That puts things in perspective and helps clear it up for me. I was beginning to think there was some sort of milkshake conspiracy going on. LOL!

I'm with your husband on this one. I do not know why McDonald's continues to offer a milkshake as a menu option when it would appear that the entirety of the McDonald's universe is stocked with non-functioning milkshake machines. I am only marginally ashamed to admit that I have written a letter to their corporate

I know, right? It's kinda patchy and off putting, but I'm loving it.

She's not good, she's not nice, she's just right. She's the Witch.

That's the perfect gif for the situation. I just heard about this and after reading that I now have all the tears. Poor little thing.

This brought me all of the joy just now. ALL of the joy. Thank you!

Is it just me or does this statue look nothing like Ronaldo? Plus, he seems to be clad in fetish gear, rubber or something clinging to every inch of him.

What do I have to do to get Joe Jonas to carry me like a baby?

So, Dr. Phil thinks that she's full of shit?

Welcome, dear.