Fractured Farina

Good to know! Thanks!

So much this! I've been watching Shark Week for years now and I officially gave up this year. After the first night was more speculative nonsense, I just threw up my hands and walked away. Dunzo!

I can feel the vapors coming on already! *fans myself*

Oh wow! I need to look into this. Thank you!

I've heard this before and have thought about having the surgery. Unfortunately, I don't meet the guidelines for the amount of weight loss required. The fact that your sugarbeetus can be completely cured by the surgery is amazing.

I haven't seen anything past season 1...I definitely need to get back on the Girls train. I want to see this new Adam. LOL!

When I started watching Girls I found him mildly intriguing, but was distracted by the hideous facial hair. Seeing him without it, though? Yeah, it's not for me, dawg. :-)

I work for a state governmental office, so I'm sure you can imagine what the answer to that question would be. LOL!

That's just perfect! Thank you so much.

I've actually tried that but got reprimanded for it. I'm hoping that with a flashing light on my desk that indicates the phone is ringing I'll be given the go ahead.

Thank you so much, Jacobm001! I've tried searching for this before, but my google fu had failed me.

Alright, you've talked me into it! Thanks for the recommendation.

There's some really great info here, thanks!

I know this will seem hard to believe, but I've never even tasted blue cheese dressing before!

See, that's perfectly acceptable. At least you're not ordering bowls of eat with your meal. :-)

A deep and abiding sense of personal loathing. This is the only answer.

As much as I love your avatar, I just can't get behind this. I will eat ranch dressing if a nuclear holocaust has destroyed all other forms of salad dressing but I can't voluntarily put it on food that is already delicious.

She should be, but nothing will faze her!

THANK YOU! I have a friend who puts it on everything and I try not to eat with her anymore, but there are limits to what you can put up with in a friendship. Pizza, chicken wings, sandwiches, french fries...come on, it's not that good!

Sweet cheese and corn, August 25th can not get here fast enough! Bless you, my child. :-)