Fractured Farina

The problem is they aren't going after anyone else. The entire fashion culture made his behavior permissible, which is probably why he can't understand that he is doing anything wrong.

You win! LOL!

Jaclyn Smith? THE Jaclyn Smith? We must preach this to the unwashed masses. The ones who already shop at K-mart!

Nooooo! *falls on my knees and cries skyward*

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Let me know about the approximate bubble bursting date for GOOP. ;-)

I'm with you on that. In reality bad boys have so much baggage, but the fictional ones are awesome.

Preach it! He's the best.

Glad you see things my way. ;-)

I agree wholeheartedly. He's dull as dishwater, but hubba-hubba, is he pretty!

This show is horribly addicting. It's cheesy, campy, terribly written, overacted to death, silly, nonsensical, drops plot lines halfway through their completion and is just a mess, but I can't stop watching it. Going into each episode I know that there will be something absolutely ludicrous that happens, but I don't

And check out that chin strap beard. Va-va-va-voom!

I feel like the furry epidemic is a result of this film.

I didn't know this was a thing!

Benedict Cumberbatch as the Beast.

The mere thought of Chris Pine made up all Beast like pure gave me the vapors!


It does, indeed. Also, it turns yellow.

Is this her actual hair? It looks like something off a Saturday Night Live sketch.

BuzzFeed (I know, I know!) threw some major shade at the Kickstarter the other day. I'd link, but I'm at work and BF is blocked.