Fractured Farina

As a gay Alabamian, this news delights me more than I can express. It's nice to know that no matter how hard the bigots try to inflict their narrow views on the rest of the world, the good guys still find a way to light up the darkness.

You've got plenty of time then. I'm sure it'll be awesome!

I would *literally* have a heart attack if I had to pay that much to feed folks!

Not to be "that guy" (Oh my god, I' m totally being that guy!) but I have a pretty vivid recollection of that particular Fievel being available at Sears. I do remember getting a few stuffed things in Happy Meals when the dinosaurs roamed the earth, but they were usually pretty small and terribly firm. I still

Look Alicia...Can I call you Alicia? Okay Alicia, when you go to medical school and graduate, do your residency and get a few years of real life doctoring under your belt THEN you can feel free to give medical advice and shame other people for the choices that they make.

No kidding, I bought a bag of these last week. They were half the price as Jelly Belly for a little over twice the amount and they were good! I grabbed the Gimbal's because the Jelly Belly bag seemed so tiny in comparison. Glad I did it now.

I had never heard of her until this moment, but that Instagram photo of her blowing a kiss is breaking my heart. All I can think about is my four year old niece and now I'm crying at my desk.

Oh goodness, I'm watching this at work on a computer with no sound card and it still leaves me feeling weak in the knees! *faints*

Jeez, I just don't even know what to say. That's fucking terrible.

He was dating after two weeks? Yikes, that's quick!

Nah, don't feel like a weirdo. I have a feeling there are lots of us who took this finale much harder than we should have.

Okay, just looked at the photo more closely. Ignore, please.

Since when do the folks at Starbucks hand you a drink without a lid on it? I'm calling "shenanigans" on this.

I really like Lily, but I think that's probably more due to my residual Willow love than anything else. She had some great moments throughout the series run, though, and I mostly saw the moments where she was completely whacko (birthday party nonsense included) as outside the norm for her.

I am unclear as to your gender, but that matters little at this junction. Please marry me.

I just mentioned to one of my coworkers that I feel like I need a support group! I have ALL OF THE FEELINGS after this episode and no one wants to talk about it. LOL!

OMG, I did SUCH ugly crying in the theater when I saw this. To see Anna, knocking on the door, and asking her sister if she wanted to build a snowman only to be rebuffed? The tears. They wouldn't stop. Then when their parents' ship went down? Oh my word - I literally sobbed. Hell, even "Let It Go" made me cry. I'm

That's beyond excellent! I've driven by a few on Sunday but haven't ever been lucky enough to witness that. LOL!

That's so odd! I remember when my workplace required us to have our checks direct deposited, several of my coworkers tried to claim a religious exemption because of the mark of the beast. LOL!

Amen to that one. I'm more than happy to have to order online, if need be.