
Only if they make out. OUAT wouldn't live up to it's name as tumblr fuel if they didn't.

That CapitalOne commercial would have been so much better if Samuel Jackson had called that guy a motherfucker.

Matt Damon used wicked SMAHT.

As far as gaming goes, it's made a pretty good case for it's existence. It's really down to people being creative enough to know what to do with it.

Is every award show gonna do this "give out food" bit?

I dunno, she only has so many relatives.

Call your doctor.

I think I read that same article. What stood out to me was her assertion that he was being a colossal scumbag just as much for the attention it got him as it was for his actual beliefs.

The show has more than proven that "this particular group" has a very fluid definition. The group is a revolving door of barely fleshed out characters. They could (or at least should have been able to ) easily kill off the entire group and introduce a new one.

Knowing The English they're all just pretending that they don't mind the apocalypse happened, even though they really do.

Most likely land in the south (at Highgarden or even in Dorne) rather than attacking King's Landing right away. Dany will want to (or Tyrion will probably advise her to) wait a while and get her army in order, which also gives her time to bring more Houses under her banner. She's been waiting pretty much all her life,

On a serious note, Arya really fucked up in this episode. That Frey Pie didn't have nearly enough gravy. Hot Pie would have been furious.

That one threw me, and as usual had me trying to work out the passage of time in this show.

At the very least, she's got a dope new wardrobe. I think this episodes piece was from the Westeros fashion week Janet Jackson collection.

This week on Game of Thrones or: HOLY.FUCKING.SHIT

Tyrion being alive doesn't mean anything. Her marriage to Tyrion was annulled because they never consummated, and as per the laws of this world unconsummated marriages can be declared void.

There are some who hold the opinion that Sansa withheld are information as part of a plan to bind Jon to Littlefinger. If she'd told him about it before, he would have had room to argue. Now, he's more or less indebted to the Vale. The fact that Jon didn't have to pay for his mistake could very well be the point here.

Sansa is technically the legal ruler of Winterfell, being the widow of its former ruler.

I noticed that there weren't any tits in this episode. Are you guys out of tit money? Should I be worried?.

B is fine. No one cares about Rickon and no one ever thought Ramsay would win. I'm surprised they ALL made it through though. I thought we'd get at least one semi-important good guy death (Tormund maybe).