
No for some reason I totally missed that series, this is the first I've heard of it!

so on to the next scandal "Kanye sissy sub something. .. "

Of course, Mila Kunis would be the one to take charge, remember Black Swan?

There are tons of examples. Google search is your friend. Here's a top search from "No-fly list hell":

nah but if they wanted to enslave us instead of simply wipe the surface of the planet our current ruling country(ies) CULTURAL beliefs might fuck them up to the point they pull up stakes and get out of here since - we basically so backward and other thoughts but why speculate since we are here due to influence from -

A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?

Assumes so called extraterrestrials are not already here have been and things like thoughts about say someone as my avatar investigated hopelessly - but successfully - lol - for real - YOU just got noticed with this kind of article if we were not watching you prior to this - and yes - all that - you do great things in

If you can survive the travel between stars, it's not our puny arsenal that would frighten them.

... tabasco? More like tobascNO! Just no. No.

they might have a stargate

well, they don't show that either in most R-rated romances.

Why is period blood more gross than semen?

Blow job week?

UGH the blowjob week idea is beyond annoying to me. Like, let me get this straight—you recognize that my body is doing some funky gross shit that is terribly unpleasant, yet you think that I'm in the mood to selflessly stick your dick in my mouth all week with no expectation of any sort of mutuality? NOOOOOPE.

I have to chuckle when the word "privacy" and "Internet" are mentioned in the same sentence. There has never been, and will never be complete privacy with ANY telecommunication product. The only secure communication is telepathic and even that is being challenged as more is discovered about the brain and it's systems.

Or to a skeptic like me*, if the FDA covered this stuff up, how do I trust that any other study didn't also have massive flaws? With the regulators and overseers corrupt, what other mechanism is in place to check results and methods? Doesn't seem like there is any. Peers? As shown, peer review didn't catch all these

Move along, nothing to see here.