
Hmmm.... I dislike the idea of mandatory online for so single player (I didn't buy Diablo III because of it) but I suppose I could learn to live with it if a whole console relied on it. Its not really the same situation as OnLive since, well, Playstation exclusives and such.

We have 40+Mb here as of a few months ago.

You know, if they had just added real web slinging this might have been excusable.

At least they aren't as bad as Mario.

Genesis had much smoother animation.

Not going to lie, It's taken me a good while to find internet out here and for a few seconds I thought I had found some kind of crazy desert-taku.....


This is for Lollipop chainsaw

Huh. Might need to make an investment there. At least it's an excuse to buy even more consoles.

Oh Reggie, you do get around.

Have you ever tried candles?

And on the theme of wire reducing solutions, here's a cheap, fully functional (and slightly sensual) wireless alternative to the Wii sensor bar.

The one I'm actually using is powered, but I don't have any pictures of it :(

Yes they do, but I believe with all things HDMI, the higher the price, the better the quality I'm afraid. I haven't needed to invest in one (yet) since my TV has 4 HDMI ports, but once the Wii U is out that's all of them filled up.

I got something like this recently (but with more SCART-ins) and it's been an absolute lifesafer.

My one goal is to purchase a fez.

Not necessarily.

This is exactly the kind of thing that makes sense.

>The only reason the PS3 was so expensive was because of the Blu-Ray in it.

And get grease on my controllers/Keyboard?