Mutation also leads to cancer.....
Mutation also leads to cancer.....
EA used to have that whole monologue thing on their papers where they were like "We are Electronic Artists" and went on about their passion for creating games... so weird how it turned out.
Leon looks.... wrong.
Nope, hence the "apparently".
>it's soooo easy to sit at your computer and say you would have handled it differently
When somebody says "I hate X about this video game", and then X turns out to be a good 40% of that video game, I'm going to give a firm "yes" to that.
"would he have gone home that evening with a story for his bros about "some crazy bitch at E3?"
I'm sorry, why the fuck would I need to "admit" to anything?
"Delete System 32" was an old prank people used to play online.
>the problem isn't that she didn't confront the guy. the problem was the fact that she'd have to in the first place.
Multiplayer has really been making strides recently.
You know what?
I'm still failing to see why you didn't just give a simple "No thanks, I'd like to actually play the game please".
I've been put off from hearing about low server population too!
>The "HD" looks like it's just an upscale with the "scroll like" filter removed.
I have tiny baby hands so I'm generally fine.
But there are already ways to control the frequency of attacks missing your pokemon.
Because while cell shaded games look good in SD anyway, making them in HD causes god himself to weep before their majesty.
It's also on 360 apparently.