Shawna Kelfonne

The most Nintendo thing Nintendo has ever Nintendone.

Remember Nintendo Power?

Don’t forget it’s also coming to the Switch!

I feel like he would be a better fit in a Soul Calibur game... JUST SAYIN’ BANDAI NAMCO.

Mega Bloks has the WOW licensing, or at least, they did a few years back, which might be why there aren’t Lego WOW sets.

Also, here’s a Lego recreation of Theramore from after Garrosh Bombed it:

If this is anything like the version on Steam, it needs some mods to get up and running properly. Excuse my spotty memory, but I think the game has an issue where the speed of the game is linked to the processor, and depending on your computer, it might run RIDICULOUSLY fast. There are fan mods that fix this, and add

I love the community of this game so much.

Parasite Eve 1 is the best Parasite Eve.

The only way to win is not to play.

Nintendo doesn’t need to explain themselves to these people. It’s not their responsibility that a very small group of their fans are angry about basically nothing. I’m willing to bet that they’re not even aware of this supposed backlash. And why would they be? As the article states, Fire Emblem Fates is selling

Somehow, I deserved this.

This is exactly how I’ve always seen it. If he can find a partner that is capable of taking Peter’s ideas from concept to reality while also managing expectations at a reasonable level compared to available resources, we’d see some pretty epic games. The problem is, the idea man is leading the show with no one to

Fighting games with one hit kill has been around before, and it was glorious, see:

A Super Nintendo Chalmers article?!? Posted at this time of year?!?! Posted at this time of day!?!? In this part of the internet?!?! Localized entirely in Kotaku?!?

Just sent this to Sega’s twitter

It might take all the risks it wants, but the thing is, I play Smash mostly because the characters and stages are something I bonded with over the years. Smash is more than just about its gameplay, it’s also about playing as your favorite Nintendo character and battling it out with all the other Ninty characters.

This should have been the Google doodle today. Period. To all parties responsible for this snub: “Fuck You, this is a beautiful lake full of pure, clear water.”

Or you could just not be a racist homophobic person. There’s that too.

my opinion on the matter is that people like Jango_the_blue_fox should leave critics alone and let them critique games however the fuck they want to critique them instead of telling those critics how she thinks they should critique games.