
Wait, don't the two phones have different chipsets?

The only reason why I'm not ditching cable yet is because I need my CNN/MSNBC and Fox when I want to get mad.

You know your netbook is outdated when its CPU is clocked less than an overclocked smartphone.

Donations. Duh. I'm guessing the DSCC or the DCCC or the DNC is going to be $30,000 more wealthy by the end of the night.

Have you never used Skype before or something?


Soldierknowsbest just unboxed one.

I helped by downloading it onto the four android devices at the ATT store.

@AreWeThereYeti: It does use a 1.8 inch hdd, or at least the 1st generation did. (IDK about the latest). And the problem with that is that they are INCREDIBLY slow.

@foxh8er: I seriously hope he recovered. I mean, if I was in THAT much pain..I don't know what I would do.


Whatever happened to Flan (wait, what was that? I thought 2.1 was just Eclair?)

Can it play 720p on a Motorola Droid 1?

Google's real profit source: PAC MAN!

10 minutes for 80mb?!?! OVER WIFI?!?!?



Lemme check the mailbox.

@Ruby_de_la_Booby: Lincoln Chafee...bad? While he used to be a Republican, at least he doesn't go to RNC headquarters for no apparent reason.