I have honestly rather had it with this notion that the legal system decides what we can and can't feel about a person. The legal system decides if and how a person is punished by the government. That is 100,000% percent of it.
I have honestly rather had it with this notion that the legal system decides what we can and can't feel about a person. The legal system decides if and how a person is punished by the government. That is 100,000% percent of it.
Thank you. Obvious troll is obvious. If not troll, then idiot. Look at the name. The terrible writing with airs of intelligence. Disengage, people. He'll return to his bridge eventually.
Anglophone swears are the best... after Slavic ones.
You mean bugger it sideways and feck any bloody bell-end who says different?
Dear _TROLL_,
Yes, Repubs. This is all about how this hurts YOU. What's funny is they're like, SO close to empathy here. So close! Their perceived situation is such a parallel to the injustice suffered by rape victims. But NAW, this is totally about how the media is unfair to their team. Buncha wankers.
That is awful. You are awful. And also a troll. Stop making us good guys look awful. Eucch.
Don't get me wrong. I'm fine with swear jars. I might even agree to participate if the kid or her parents asked me to. But not if I didn't sign up for no swear jar with other people's children. Raising your kids to truck on their cuteness to police how others talk without their permission is no good donut. Otherwise,…
Obviously, don't swear a blue streak just for fun around children. But if a word comes out, you don't owe anyone an apology or money. You're a grown-up. Other people's children can ask their own mommies and daddies to rub their tender little earsies when you cuss. And if said parents have a problem with it, they can…
Yeeeah, that whole walking swear-jar thing is not so adorable for me. Adults get to swear, children do or don't depending on their parents' rules. Not my kid? Hanging out in an adult workspace? My reaction would be to pat her little head and say, "Well aren't you the fucking cutest."
I honestly didn't think the questions were bad. He was treating her somewhat like an adult actress, but it's better than being patronizing and asking who her favorite Barbie is or if Swiper should or should not stop swiping (and really, if they raised the minimum wage, would Swiper need to swipe at all?)
An 11-year-old making a borderline inappropriate joke! The child! Won't somebody please think of her?!
See, shows what the hell I know. I was watching all, "girl... pretty... Yeah, these all seem accurate." But yeah, a lot of the nuances are missing from this. As God is my witness, I will never be distracted by a pretty girl in a video agai—SQUIRREL!
That's cuz in the 19-teens, the Romantic (Rome-antic) aesthetics of the mid-late 1800s were everything-old-is-new-again. The goal was to look like someone who wore an A-line dress and pined away for Mr. Heathcliff on the moors. I notice a lot of the fellas, myself included, seem to like this look the most.
Big-R. Romantic. 10/10. Would recite poetry to. Or possibly duel a dude for. Cometh at me, assorted bros!
Yeah, color me a hopeless Romantic (big R), but 1910 was by far the loveliest and least affected. 1980 was the most affected, and yet somehow the most adorable.
Okay, wait. Waitwaitwait. Hold up. Christopher Walken is playing Captain Hook? I did not know that. I will now happily watch this nonsense.
Yeah, Stern's always been a fantastic interviewer. Pretty much the Terry Gross of dudes. He asks smart, incisive questions, doesn't back down when he smells a story, and respects and befriends his subjects. If I'd been in charge of CNN when Larry King (usually a horrible interviewer) stepped down, I would've given the…
Hey, my Sims are stand-up pretend human beings. They resent that remark.