I don't like political discussions in my video game discussions. It bothers me. Regardless if they're agreeing with me or not.
I don't like political discussions in my video game discussions. It bothers me. Regardless if they're agreeing with me or not.
This man is an idiot.
@CitizenInsane27 (The Monster Inside Me Wants to Eat Nickels): Nope. I meant for PS3. This Xbox 360 patch will address all listed above, including the issue currently being experienced on PS3. The PS3 will receive an additional patch to address the "Infinite Care Package" exploit once and for all for PS3 as well.
Strategy games would work fantastic on an Apple Tablet and am hoping for a RISK port to the platform shortly after launch.
One of my all time favorite games and well deserved honor.
@LanciePants: I will take up your offer to replace "developer" with "publisher" and we'll agree to agree.
@LanciePants: This has not been my experience. For the most part, game reviewers are very impartial in their behavior when coming to review the game or get a sneak peek. Rarely do they tell us what they thought while here, and if they do it's brief and far from "ass kissing".
@Friedhamster: lol
@Jarerex: I respectfully disagree with everything you just typed, with exception to the fact that Deus Ex is an amazing game.
@Jarerex: Blockbuster titles do not mean the death of indie / niche titles. Niche titles sell fewer amounts because of their very nature. They're not intended to be mass appeal properties.
@d_r_e: Actually there were four maps. Killhouse, Creek, Chinatown, and Broadcast for 800 MS points.
@Archaotic: Sounds like your beef is with the business side of things, not the creative. I can relate to that. Speaking on behalf of the creative side of it, these guys put just as much blood, sweat, and tears into our games as any of your favorite games.
@Archaotic: I can barely hear you from down here, that ivory tower is far too high for us on the ground!
@WoundedBum: Regardless of price, issues shouldn't be suffered. I'm simply saying, it's incorrect to assume developers do less work or QA because they have the option to patch later. Especially when talking about things that are not code related.
@JoBo: You mean when games didn't have millions of players on day one? These aren't bugs in code, they're server overloads. #modernwarfare2
@omgwtflolbbl: Except the fact it doesn't include any of the new features that are ACTUALLY going into MW2. Like, Matchmaking, Party Support, Private Match, Prestige Mode, Friendslist, Steamworks support (groups, achievements, VAC).
@Nulls: Actually. SP is just, if not in some cases, more played than MP. You can't forget the casual gamer who will for the most part buy solely for the SP portion of the game and never go online. I know MP gets the reputation as being the most popular, but thats because people or play online, typically get online,…
@GoonerVance: Spec-op Missions ARE original. There are levels created specifically for Co-op that you won't find anywhere else in the game. In addition to the exclusive spec-ops missions there are also moments taken from single player.
This is definitely one of the few "PR gimmicks" that I think is befitting of the game. Especially if it plays out as well for everyone as it did for you two. Well done Nintendo. I went from completely uninterested in this DS game, to slightly interested. SUCCESS!