YES - Can't wait for this. Not that I need an excuse to return to Burnout, the games amazing!
YES - Can't wait for this. Not that I need an excuse to return to Burnout, the games amazing!
@Larry Horse: Please, let's not have the "my punk is harder than your punk" argument, for the sake of my sanity! There are no "gateway punk bands" that lead to harder more real punk.
@DigitalHero: I tried. Regretfully it took too long to confirm with Sony and the soonest they could do it was the 18th. Sorry.
I loved the characters, as well as the mentality of it's multiplayer. I put my fair share of hours into it. Overall, I really enjoyed my time with this game despite some of it's flaws.
I did my part in the Amazon reviews and gave a full 5 stars rating. I love this game. I won't deny it. I WONT!
I'm feeling the exact same way, and I'm not even at the space stage yet. I'm having a blast on this game and when I'm not playing it I'm thinking about playing and what I'll do when I am.
YES! I love gimmicky stuff like this in racing games, and that is being completely honest. Anyone play Beetle Adventure Racing on the N64... now I know their styles are completely different, but it reminds me of the fun of that and it's gimmick tracks; like the T-rex track.
Peter Moore knows his shit. There is no denying that in my book. I like him, always have, always will.... unless I stop. Then I won't.
@Slippy: Sorry to hear that Slippy. Drop me an email and I'll personally get you hooked up with the maps.
I have no ill feelings towards Larson. Through tragedy, came hope.
I'm really looking forward to more of these.
I think we all know how these sorts of trips end.
Line out the door and around the block. I bailed a bit early, but scored a nice Mega Man 9 poster with the retro box art. No video, sorry guys. I'll be taking some when I return next week and can actually see the artwork instead of just the backs of people's head.
I'll be heading down straight from the studio. I'll be taking some video, so keep your eyes on and I'll post it as soon as I can afterwards.
That sucks. I'm glad I have a bit thicker skin though. If I quit everytime someone said something rude and hateful to me, I'd have quit 12 times this morning.
I'll try to swing by and say "hey" to all in attendance.
Yes. yes. Yes. yes!
The improvements he made are solid, whether the design hits the mark exactly or not is irrelevant to me. His suggestions are dead on.
I typically like most video game movies, even the so called "shitty ones", so I'd actually like to see another RE movie. I liked the first one, hated the 2nd one (despite having nemesis), and really liked the 3rd one for what it was.
It could be a Test kit and be white, but it would still need the debug on top. This observation fails. It's just a retail 360 or a Test kit without a debug to play other people's builds. Either way it really leads to no conclusions or rumors.