@Kuro: you're right, I was being overdramatic. I'll probably never own one. It's going to be a great sports car. But I believe that Lotus-wise, it's unacceptable to add weight like this.
@Kuro: you're right, I was being overdramatic. I'll probably never own one. It's going to be a great sports car. But I believe that Lotus-wise, it's unacceptable to add weight like this.
when i first flipped to this tab, i frantically searched for the weight.
this is the kind of article i come to Giz for. extraordinary.
@SinisterSaracen: COTD. I lost control of myself. AAAAAAAAAAAAA SO AWESOME
@humjaba: i got goosebumps when i saw this picture. downloaded, in vip picture folder.
I guessed crack cocaine. I could have been farther, not bad.
I use Chrome 7 dev. it's lightning.
@Monsieur.Mind: i was born in '92.
The leap made in computer generated rendering quality/detail for Transformers is my favorite advance in special effects. When I saw it for the first time, my mind was blown. Before Transformers, I could usually tell when computer generation was at play. This subsequently dulled whatever scene the ugly computer effects…
@komododave: i do the same thing. whenever i see a '10 body mustang, i check the pipes to see if it's the '11 v6. New cars, no matter what model, catch my eye hard and are exciting because it's something I have never seen before.
@Daiden: as a huge lady gaga fan, i will oblige. btw i am a guy.
@Stem_Sell: reminding me once again why you're hearted and starred.
@Ben Wojdyla: that's what i was thinking
@Rav Gar: yep you did.
@JDickson87: thank GOD other people recognize that bullshit. "speed related" my ass. you said it so well i have nothing to add.
at 100 mph the billboard will consist of two large B's.
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: how bad were they? like terminator 3 bad? i haven't seen them which looks like a blessing.
@Daddy Rocket will get the hell out of some groceries: me too. i think most people do.
@Stevox: that's....gorgeous
@lanceseabourn1: rtfa