pls for the love of everything holy put the 3.0 into the mustang and lose the 2.3
pls for the love of everything holy put the 3.0 into the mustang and lose the 2.3
i didnt actually watch the video but its still relevant, why aren’t we capturing energy from regen braking on steep bits and putting it back into the power grid? rather than sending it to a resistor grid to be wasted. Just put a 3rd parallel rail and something to make contact with it from the train
i want to go to 24h le mans next year from US. can you tell me about your itinerary? did u hotel near track? use public transit (Train) from airport to track?
remember when nazis used car exhaust to try and kill people (mogilev gassing experiements). yeah but nazis are miller are the same
i though trump was supposed to be helping his 1% buddies? but it looks like they’re complaining
a lot more veterans are dying each day :(
who pays to wash a intrepid anyway. havent washed my saturn in years. it sits outside though so rain washes it
weighs the same if u cut a laferarri in half? cut it in half which way? i hope we see carbon fiber conn rods being used soon.
*in soviet russia corvette crashes you*
i thought that they werent going to run it because it was too fast/dangerous
6:36 guess
so you’re saying the mustang didnt invent crashing into peds?
apparently cop cars in CA dont have bull bumpers?
want to maga and chill?
how much in gov’t subsidies for electric cars?
so essentially its a tax. at least illegal immigrants get free college though right?
who runs new york again?
“now let them enforce it”-andrew jackson
that’s not how this works, that’s not how any of this works. his twitter is public, meaning you dont need to log in to see it. you get blocked for being a shit poster