i bought the full wec season (w/ le mans) but ive been watching the whole race from fsgo feed..
i bought the full wec season (w/ le mans) but ive been watching the whole race from fsgo feed..
are they being charged from solar? otherwise its just transferring the emissions... should throw a small onboard hydrogen generator. should get huge gains from regen braking (residential driveway to driveway, shouldnt even need service brakes)
they were in 6
so you’re saying its so expensive because there hasnt been a wide rollout of them? sounds kind of like fixing aluminum doesnt it
whos brining the molly and EDM?
thank you nbcsn for showing the post race show right before the airing of the race. tivo caught the last 2 seconds and i knew who won -_-
50fps is wicked. wish they did more races across the board in faster frame rates.. rather then them teleporting across the screen.
i guess they already have a waiver to race a larger than 4L turbo engine..
couple ?s. what kind of tires, whats that screen above the normal cars screen, and whats the button on the top left of the steering wheel hes grabbing on long straights? seems like it could be a drs but that looks like it has a fixed wing. maybe max hybrid
couple ?s. what kind of tires, whats that screen above the normal cars screen, and whats the button on the top left of the steering wheel hes grabbing on long straights? seems like it could be a drs but that looks like it has a fixed wing. maybe max hybrid
prior to jump: “are you crazy, im still gonna send it”
blame the lamestream media for blowing the guys cover.
gotta pay for 200M/year in welfare somehow
sent my friend a picture of their main business sign and said “ i didnt know you started your own business”
i wish we could see some cfd on the car
maybe their engine upgrade in canada will be able to finish a race