I’m not gray! Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!
I’m not gray! Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!
Am I gray?
I love my surveys! They buy me my nerdy Star Trek e-books!
I’ve got a somewhat older Seagate drive I was hoping to use; the PS4 recognizes the drive, but won’t format it without a USB 3.0 cable. Fine, no problem, right? Just buy one. Except I can’t seem to find a 3.0 cable with a USB mini connection. Does such a thing even exist?!?
I bought a copy of this game last week, based on the new updates. I’ve shareplayed on the PS4 with a few friends, and they are going to buy the game. New fans are still being acquired.
Our wives must have went to school together.
This 100%. People seem to forget that dude is next in line.
Spinning Away is amazing.
Are you at least a mushroom cloud explosion?
For a while as a kid, I preferred Cracked over Mad.
I’m curious if you can password protect folders?
Wow....looking through these comments, I had no idea this show was so hated. I’ve seen several episodes with my four year old son (who LOVES it, natch), and while it is very, very silly, I find most of it pretty funny. How can a kids show cheese off so many people?
One year for my birthday, my friends gave me a 10 strip of acid. As the night progressed, massive amounts of weed were added to the mix, and I found myself glued to the TV, where "Risky Business" was on. All my friends were begging me to go outside and experience the beauty of the outdoors, and I refused. "Risky…