
I dont consider her an artist. That´s my basic problem with her. If you constantly need to explain your art and remind me it's art..You're just a fraud. People before her did all of what she does, and better.

Geddy Lee never posted bitchy little tweets about how they didn't get enough love from critics. He and Alex and Neil were too busy rocking.

There's that yeah, I think what made me dismiss her was that she's always saying "it's for my fans, I don't even really make anything off of this, I put it all back into my shows because I just want to perform."

Oh GAGA ….delusional, sad, druggy typical to blame everyone else, even Billboard magazine for your disastrous new record and dead career but yourself..typical delusional, druggy denial……..Darling you are tired, your new music sucks, your schticks are old and cliche and your nasty ,evil, disgusting monsters

This is delightful.

Lady Gaga made a song with a child rapist. And she wonders why people are hating on her?! Really? She has personal connections with people from Chicago and everybody in Chicago knows R. Kelly is a pedophile and it's not hard to come across someone who has a story about him preying on young girls. She sings to him

Lady Gaga made a song with a child rapist. And she wonders why people are hating on her?! Really? She has personal connections with people from Chicago and everybody in Chicago knows R. Kelly is a pedophile and it's not hard to come across someone who has a story about him preying on young girls. She sings to him

Ohhhh, Gaga. Don't keep tweet crying to everyone who criticizes you. It makes you look desperate for approval. And I heard a few of her songs and I felt like I've heard it before. But it's because its a rip off of Missing Persons.

I watched a NatGeo documentary on Netflix about North Koreans. I feel really bad for those people. The evil, despicable Kims have lied to their nation and created a cult of personality, where they are gods upon whom praise is to be lavished.

She's definitely talented, but what's the point of having talent if you don't use it? Boring dance pap is just boring dance pop. You can have all the potential in the world, but if you don't live up to it you just suck. Not that I hate her, I like some of her music. I just hate it when people defend her by saying,

Gaga Gaga are in the public, hon. Not everyone is going to be charmed by whatever the fuck you're doing.

I actually think Gwyneth is a good comparison. They both choose to be very public and bring a lot of attention to themselves, they're both seen as being pretentious, and there's a sense in which both women's artistic output is seen as being lacking - at least in recent years.

Lady Gaga irritates me a lot more than Goopy. I believe that she is a talented individual but I don't believe she is necessarily a creative one. I think she does a lot of piggybacking artistically (her work with Marina Abramovic was particularly grating), before that she was ripping off Bowie, she's ripped off

And maybe because, when you cut right down to it, her music is forgettable dance pop.

Sigh. You can't be a self-proclaimed 'provocateur', and then get mad when people are provoked. You just jumped the shark, Gaga.

Gaga, it's because you do a lot of weird shit in the name of "art" but it never seems to add up to anything more than a bunch of weird shit.

I've seen him several times before with Kingsized at Trader Vic's. They used to play there on Thursday nights, not sure if they still do. And yeah, he's massive.

Now playing

This is Big Mike Geier, a fixture in Atlanta. He also heads up the band Kingsized.