You’re not a good person. Please don’t have daughters.
You’re not a good person. Please don’t have daughters.
Right so they’re aaaaaall lying. Just making shit up to advance their weird alt-lifestyle. Got it.
OR MAYBE. More women are getting the courage to come forward with what’s happened to them, and these things are way more common than previously realized by people like you.
“Well what do you mean rape?” Jesus christ.
Fucking THIS.
People who complain about social justice reveal everything about themselves.
“Rape and sexual assault are okay” is not just “wrongthink,” you asshole.
Fucking seriously. Endorsing rape and sexual assault is not contrarian, it’s evil. Fuck Norm.
But that’s just not true. He’s let far worse things slide from Djoker and Rafa and plenty of other male players. He clearly had it in for Serena and pushed her as hard as he could. “Thief” is not an obscenity, and she couldn’t even SEE her coach at the time.
Exactly. Don’t get me started. The problem isn’t the rules, the problem is their selective enforcement. Not to mention that “thief” is hardly an obscenity; that same referee has had far worse things said to him by men who went unpunished.
Not nearly miserable enough.
She is the motherfucking worst.
This is super awesome and I love it so much.
You’re doing the lord’s work, here. Thank you. God, all this willful disingenuousness is exhausting.
If only Sanders would JOIN THE FUCKING PARTY. Like he said he would.
Why won’t y’all transcribe the damn Deadcast? Get an intern to do it.
Go fuck yourself.
Absolutely. I intend to learn as much as I can about all that stuff and help women as much as I can.
Yes. This. There is no crisis. Immigrants benefit this country. And Republicans love hurting brown people in every possible way.
Cut defense.
Fucking THANK YOU. So tired of this. We can find the money for shit the Pentagon doesn’t even WANT.