
It is not true. Like at all.

I guess the Swiss are just too stupid to realize how macabre-ly imprisoned they are by their subsidized mandates.

You have to buy car insurance. You have to buy lots of things.

There’s not nearly as many “leeches” as you seem to think there are. The prevalence of fraud is a myth. And even if there ARE, it’s worth the price to prevent others losing everything to one medical problem.

Plus, the electoral college DIDN’T DO ITS JOB. They could have prevented this.

You’re right. Not quite sure why i thought that, now.

THANK YOU. Aiden was awesome and would fuck you however you wanted and Carrie is a bitch who doesn’t deserve him.

Um. What? Maybe he has enough integrity not to want to leave his children fatherless. Just a thought.

Oh. HBO. Never mind.

Especially since, you know, reality show, actors, scripted, none of it is real, etc. etc. god damn I hate reality shows.




This. Is not. A script flip.

You are defending Nazis.

Indeed. He gives himself the fuck away. In no way is that hypothetical a “reversal of the situation.”

Fucking thank you. A fucking Nazi does not just “have a different opinion.” Jesus christ.

So do Russia’s.

You massively underestimate the impact of medical debt and the fear of cost on people’s access to medical care.

“If kids got raped at Denny’s as often as they get raped at church every Denny’s in the US would be burned to the ground” - Dan Savage

Obvious answer is obvious. Come on, man.

Counterpoints: Leonard Pitts. Charles Pierce.

I’ve been begging for transcripts since they started. Ugh.