
How do we know that Stevie Wonder didn’t call OBJ and tell him that he saw all the terrible calls that were being made. Maybe this wasn’t a joke, but a name drop.

tell me again how you have to have gas to be an effective closer? Even at 95, if his change up is 85, you have no chance.

It almost goes without saying, of course, that neither the Cubs and Indians got their bullpens through signing expensive free agents to long-term deals. The Indians traded for Andrew Miller and developed Cody Allen. The Cubs traded for Chapman and otherwise got their bullpen in the traditional Theo Epstein way: buying

I don’t know, I think Jim McMahon’s family secretly likes not having to think of new gifts to get him each year.

The extra official will sit literally on the quarterback’s shoulders to watch for illegal hits.

When did you get your hands on next week’s XKCD script?

Two trends I consider strange- Doing cars based on first names of people (Kaiser Henry J, Ferrari Enzo Ferrari), and the blind idol-worship of Tesla and equally blind vilification of Edison by people who have done almost no reading on the history in that period.

I agree completely that it is quite possibly involuntary to him for the most part. But like you, I also don’t see it as a valid excuse.

I bet a couple guys were talking about what an idiot JR is, and Terry got the idea, and was like “guys, guys, want to see what an idiot he is? this shit!”

This is what happens when you spend time playing for the Knicks. You never think you’re really in the game.

I was expecting boulder consequences.

But only a decaf.

This is the most severe suspension involving a CU football player since Sal Aunese was suspended prior to the start of the 1989 season.

He wouldn’t have gotten hit if he wasn’t acting like such Awini.

If Utah had won, they planned on celebrating by passing around a large Starbucks coffee and letting each player have one tiny sip, Prophet be praised.

No my friend, the Brownsiest thing possible is that they win against the Bills and Chargers and end up dropping from the #1 draft pick to the #4 draft pick which they then trade it, their 2nd round, Terrelle Pryor and their next three first round picks to the Cowboys for Tony Romo who immediately injures his back in

Not Bills enough. Losing the wild card spot because of a loss to the 1-15 Browns, now that’s Bills enough.

It would be very Browns to go 0-16, but it would also be very Bills to be the one team that loses to them.

There’s a good chance he steps back into the QB job