
Watching it at work last night with a full bar here in Boston. When Miller came in everyone started talking about how much they miss Francona.

Bravo Ford, Bravo. You built a stellar rally car that rallies extremely well. You even gave it the Ford touch with the engine trouble, classic. I like it and plan to watch it on the world stages.

Woke up mad, still mad, gonna be mad for a while. Ubaldo is hot steaming garbage and has been since he came from Cleveland and put on an Orioles uniform. I don’t know what voodoo he was channeling this past month where he looked like a quality starter but wow did the real Ubaldo stand up last night and let his whole

Apropos reminder (that has the added benefit of scratching a Yankees fan’s scab):

Now I’m just throwing it out there. Maybe, just maybe, Trump might not be fit to be President.

Everyone look, it’s one of those troll things we keep hearing about on PBS! What do we do? Personally, I think we should all get really upset and try to discuss our politics with it, just to see if it’s a reasonable one. This is so exciting.

Sale stayed in the game, though; he’s not one to cut and run.

Good game between two elite defenses and two sub-par offenses.

Shucks. I meant to add the explanation in parentheses. Done.

LCAC and ACAC are short for “liquid charge air cooler” and “air charge air cooler,” respectively.

HOORAY! NERD STUFF! Jalopnik needs more nerd stuff. Just FYI David, ACAC and LCAC aren’t explained, I have no idea what those acronyms mean, Air Cooled Air Charge? Liquid Cooled Air Charge?

Somewhere Bill Belichick just became urgently aroused, and he doesn’t know why.

[head explodes]

5th Gear: Verizon Will Have A Lot To Do With Autonomous Cars

What’s a “Gawker”?

this is why he’s dead

Trump is now claiming someone shot video of his medical exam during the time his doctor left the room and he was left alone with a nurse.

I searched “below average” and got a nice selfie.

it is the 15th anniversary of the September 11th attacks on New York and Washington