NPC No.11816

Oh, I forgot about the capacity! We’re not out to take away your tankers, just the high capacity ones. #banhighcapacitytankers #thinkofthechildren


Black tankers are scarier than wooden ones. No one should have a black tanker that can travel 30 semifullyautomtic knots per hour. You only need 1 knot per hour to get where you need to go

1. Bodega

Makes sense

I thought it was the Italians?

Hillary, IMO


So then is calling a thief a “robber” dehumanizing? How is this racist? Any color person that entires a country illegally is an illegal immigrant

Oh no, you’re quite entertaining. My point stands though; before I can push for legislation change against someone (in this case, an inanimate object that has neither feelings nor emotion), I must better inform myself on the subject in order to form a more accurate opinion based on the facts presented. Facts don’t

See, that’s what I remembered. Honestly, I’m kinda just messing with those who believe civilians can get an actual M16 from their local 7/11

Assault rifle. An assault weapon can be a pencil, for all intent and purpose. Exact definitions matter, especially dealing with law. I politely suggest you give a crap. Also, “my” definition of an assualt rifle is the actual definition.

He gave a machine gun to someone? You do know civilians can’t legally own assault rifles without an extremely exclusive permit?

Thank you, just wondering. You’ve proved my point perfectly. Those who favor banning guns, know very little about them. It’s an argument of the uniformed vs. the informed. The best way to convince someone guns aren’t the problem is to buy him one

Just wondering. Thanks! If you don’t mind, do you know what a fluted barrel is?

Just out of curiosity, but do you know what AR stands for in Ar15?

Democrats have that covered

Had to star this. However, as a millennial, the heck is avacado toast?


It is California...