I Do It For Miatas, NC Owner

I'm pretty sure thats a Ferrari, dude.

I think I'm more amazed by the 5.3L Ecotech 3. The fact that a N/A V8 with 1.8 L more displacement gets better fuel economy is incredible but I'm so thankful that the ecoboost exists! The potential it has is insane, and we are going to see much more of it in the future

Doesn't Clarkson own the franchise?

Will it front wheel burnout? WE NEED ANSWERS

What truck is it?

As someone who has the Previa taking it all the way, I am very very worried.

Toyota Previa!

Their lawnmowers are on point too!

Couldn't they have edited out the antennas? You don't see the camera on the chevy logo on the front in the video but you see it in Ray Wert's pictures.

For an LS1 swap, right?

Knock Knock!

Now playing

All I can think of after listening to that video

Now that Ford is out and Holden is leaving, it's just Toyota, and that's a lot of pressure on one company and not enough of a market.

I always think of this Mr.Waternoose from Monsters Inc when I see that car. It can't be unseen

One of my friends saw a Tribecca drive by and he said "Wow! That Subuaru looks just like an Alfa Romeo!"

Well it did suck, so the name might be fitting!

Wanna shag?